By sticking to a proactive fiscal policy and plans to expand domestic
demand, China is well on its way to obtaining the objectives it
set itself for the ninth Five-Year Plan period (1996-2000), according
to the State Development Planning Commission.
By the end of this year, the country will have achieved an annual
gross domestic product growth rate of around 8 percent for the period
as a whole, and the total amount of foreign trade is projected to
exceed US$400 billion, according to the latest estimates from the
Fiscal policy: from moderate to proactive
The implementation of macro-control mechanisms and moderate fiscal
and monetary policies in the first three years of the period enabled
China to repress the high inflation that hurt the country at that
However, there was little time to relax before the government had
to face the impact of the Asian financial crisis in 1997.
The crisis put market demand in a sluggish spell. As a result,
China's foreign trade and the influx of overseas capital declined
The situation was exacerbated by the fact that years of continuous
industrial construction projects had resulted in an over-large production
capacity for ordinary products.
Consequently, market prices fell dramatically and domestic demand
became feeble.
To react and adapt to the unprecedented economic scenario, the
central government decided to promptly shift the focus of its macro-control
policies and pursue a proactive fiscal policy. A raft of economic
policies to prod domestic market demand and reign in deflation were
Since 1996, China has lowered bank deposit interest rates seven
times in a row and increased the money supply to encourage investment
and improve the performance of traditional industries.
Investment, consumption fuel economic growth
The above efforts were followed by the issuance of long-term treasury
bonds to boost investment demands.
Since 1998, China has issued 310 billion yuan (US$37.35 billion)
worth of such bonds to increase the construction of infrastructure,
especially railways, highways and main communications lines and
infrastructure to conserve water, as well as to support the technological
upgrading of enterprises and accelerate the application of high
technology to production.
The funds raised by the bonds were also used to aid the western
regions of the country to protect the environment and to aid the
development of the region's education, science and technology sectors.
More grain depots in major grain production areas have also been
built with the money.
The country has also raised the income of low-income urban residents
and government employees and ensured that workers laid off from
state-owned enterprises are looked after. The government has also
made sure that all retired people receive their pensions on time
and in full.
In addition, the government implemented a policy of purchasing
at protective prices all the surplus grain farmers had to sell and
tried to reduce the irrational charges and measures affecting farmers
so as to increase their incomes.
These efforts, along with increased enrollment in higher education
institutions and a stepped-up residential housing reform, have fuelled
consumption, which has in return shored up the country's economic
Every effort made to increase exports
Apart from expanding domestic demand, China has left no stone unturned
in its efforts to increase exports and attract more foreign funds.
The country has increased export tax rebates, and optimized the
mix of export products by prioritizing high-tech exports.
China has also reduced the number of export commodities on which
voluntary quotas are imposed and improved the quota management and
bidding methods.
Furthermore, the country has encouraged domestic enterprises to
invest in factories abroad to open up foreign markets. Banks have
also given increasing support to export-orientated firms.
As a result, China has overcome the detrimental influence of the
Asian financial crisis. The foreign trade volume is as such expected
to exceed US$400 billion, and the foreign funds attracted will total
US$280 billion by the end of the ninth Five-Year Plan period.
(China Daily