Fundamental rights
1. Amongst the 135 WTO members, our products, services and intellectual property can enjoy the unconditional, multilateral, and stability of permanent MFN (Most Favored Nation) and membership treatment
2. Amongst developed countries, our exported manufactured goods and semi-finished products enjoy GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) treatment;
3. The majority of developing countries enjoy preferential or transitional arrangements;
4. Other WTO members enjoy opening or expanding goods, services and market access;
5. Use the WTO dispute settlement mechanism -- a fair, objective and reasonable solution to the economic and trade frictions with other countries, creating a favorable environment for economic development;
6. Participation in the multilateral trading system for the activities of international trade rules and decision-making;
7. WTO members enjoy the use of general regulations, save for certain exceptions, to ensure that they retain the right to propose measures that promote the development of one's own economy and trade