Kai-Fu Lee, co-founder of Innovation Works. [File photo] |
Kai-Fu Lee, co-founder of Innovation Works and one of China's most influential online commentators, missed the annual summer Davos summit held in Dalian after news reports said he has taken leave to receive medical treatment in Taiwan.
The 51-year old former president of Google China announced on a Sina Weibo post (Chinese twitter equivalent) Friday that he has been diagnosed with lymphoma. "Lymphomia doesn't sound good. It has made my family and friend worried. This is just life: it comes as a surprise, but I should face it calmly. Pain is part of life, I will face the ups and downs of life with a more positive attitude." After Lee revealed his cancer diagnosis, he received support and sympathy from his online followers who posted encouraging replies to him.
Before starting his own company Innovation Works in 2009, Lee worked for Apple, SGI, Microsoft and Google. As well as a start-up investor, he is also an active Internet commentator on social topics and an enthusiastic mentor who gives advice to young people.
In an e-mail to his employees over the weekend, Lee confirmed that he has received treatment in Taiwan, on the advice of his doctor.