A signed article to be published on Tuesday's People's Daily, a flagship newspaper of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has reminded Party officials to be mindful of the people's interests.
The article, authored by Zheng Qingyuan, says CPC officials must bear in mind that "no power in the world could replace the power of the people" and "the Party should demonstrate more resolve, wisdom and methods" in solving people's problems and meeting their demands.
The article says CPC officials should "always take into consideration the fundamental interests of the people" and "never do things that waste money and manpower and go against the people's wishes."
"All CPC members must remember that development is for the people and by the people," it says.
The Party will mark its 90th anniversary next year.
The article comes about two weeks after the the CPC Central Committee concluded a key policy-setting meeting on Oct. 18.