二、2014年中央和地方預(yù)算草案 | II. Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2014 |
2014年是全面貫徹落實黨的十八屆三中全會精神、全面深化改革的第一年,也是實現(xiàn)“十二五”規(guī)劃目標的重要一年。編制好2014年預(yù)算,進一步發(fā)揮好財政職能作用,對于貫徹落實黨中央、國務(wù)院確定的各項改革部署,加快政府職能轉(zhuǎn)變,發(fā)揮市場在資源配置中的決定性作用,推進國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化,具有十分重要的意義。 | 2014 is the first year for us to thoroughly put into practice the guiding principles of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee and to comprehensively deepen reforms. This is also an important year for meeting the targets set in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan. Well formulated 2014 budgets will enable public finance to play a key role, and this has important implications for carrying out all the reform plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, accelerating the transformation of government functions, letting the market play a decisive role in allocating resources, and promoting modernization of the country's governance system and capability. |
2014年,我國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展環(huán)境依然錯綜復(fù)雜。從財政看,收支矛盾十分突出。受我國經(jīng)濟潛在增長率放緩、推進稅收制度改革等因素影響,財政收入增長將趨于平緩。同時,支持全面深化改革、調(diào)整優(yōu)化經(jīng)濟結(jié)構(gòu)和促進各項社會事業(yè)發(fā)展,都需要增加投入。根據(jù)面臨的財政經(jīng)濟形勢,2014年財政工作和預(yù)算編制,要全面貫徹落實黨中央、國務(wù)院的各項決策部署,堅持穩(wěn)中求進、改革創(chuàng)新,繼續(xù)實施積極的財政政策;深化財稅體制改革,推動相關(guān)領(lǐng)域改革,發(fā)揮財稅體制改革在整體改革中的基礎(chǔ)性和支撐性作用,促進加快轉(zhuǎn)變經(jīng)濟發(fā)展方式,提高經(jīng)濟發(fā)展質(zhì)量和效益;優(yōu)化財政支出結(jié)構(gòu),盤活財政存量,用好財政增量,完善基本公共服務(wù)體系,促進社會事業(yè)發(fā)展,著力改善民生,嚴肅財經(jīng)紀律,從嚴控制“三公”經(jīng)費等一般性支出;推進預(yù)算公開透明,加強地方政府性債務(wù)管理,促進經(jīng)濟持續(xù)健康發(fā)展、社會和諧穩(wěn)定。 | This year, the economic development environment in China will remain complex. Fiscally, there will be a serious imbalance between government revenue and expenditure. As the country's potential economic growth slows down and we advance reform of the tax system, influencing factors such as those will likely lead to the slowdown in revenue growth. In addition, initiatives to deepen reform in an all-around way, adjust and optimize the economic structure, and promote development of social programs will require even more investment. Given the fiscal and economic situation, in doing the public finance work and preparing the budgets for 2014, we need to fully implement the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, make progress while ensuring stability, carry out reforms and innovations, and continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy. We need to deepen reform of the fiscal and tax systems and advance reform in relevant sectors so that reform of the fiscal and tax systems will underpin the country's overall reform efforts, accelerate the change of the growth model, and raise the quality and returns of economic growth. We need to optimize the structure of government expenditures, make good use of both existing and additional monetary and financial resources in order to help improve the basic public services system, promote development of social programs, and emphatically improve the people's well-being. We need to tighten up financial discipline and strictly limit spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality, as well as other regular expenditures. We also need to make budgetary work more open and transparent, strengthen local government debt management, and promote sustained, sound economic growth and social harmony and stability. |
(一)2014年財稅改革工作重點。 | 1. Priorities in fiscal and tax reforms in 2014 |
財政是國家治理的基礎(chǔ)和重要支柱。全面實現(xiàn)黨的十八屆三中全會決定確定的各項改革目標,抓好今明兩年的財稅體制改革工作非常關(guān)鍵。黨中央、國務(wù)院決定把預(yù)算管理制度和稅收制度改革作為今年財稅體制改革的重點,務(wù)必實現(xiàn)良好開局。 | Public finance is the basis and important pillar for governing the country. In order to meet all reform targets set at the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Party Central Committee, it is crucial we do a good job in reforming the fiscal and tax systems this year and the following. The Party Central Committee and the State Council have decided to make work concerning the budget management system and the tax system two priorities in this year's fiscal and tax reforms. We must ensure these two systematic reforms get off to a good start. |
1. 深化預(yù)算管理制度改革。一是深入推進政府和部門預(yù)決算公開。細化政府預(yù)決算公開內(nèi)容,政府支出預(yù)決算全部細化到項級科目,專項轉(zhuǎn)移支付預(yù)算細化到具體項目。擴大部門預(yù)決算公開范圍,除涉密部門外,中央和地方所有使用財政撥款的部門均應(yīng)公開本部門預(yù)決算。細化部門預(yù)決算公開內(nèi)容,除按項級科目公開外,要逐步將部門預(yù)決算公開到基本支出和項目支出,研究將部門決算按經(jīng)濟分類公開。加大“三公”經(jīng)費公開力度,細化公開內(nèi)容,所有財政撥款安排的“三公”經(jīng)費都要公開。二是實行中期財政規(guī)劃管理。根據(jù)國家中長期發(fā)展規(guī)劃和宏觀調(diào)控需要,確定中期財政政策,研究編制三年財政規(guī)劃,對規(guī)劃期內(nèi)一些重大改革、重要政策和重大項目,研究政策目標、運行機制、評價辦法,并強化其對年度預(yù)算的約束,提高財政政策的綜合性、前瞻性和可持續(xù)性。三是改進年度預(yù)算控制方式。審核預(yù)算重點由平衡狀態(tài)、赤字規(guī)模向支出預(yù)算和政策拓展,硬化支出預(yù)算約束。預(yù)算執(zhí)行中原則上不出臺新的增支政策。收入預(yù)算從約束性轉(zhuǎn)向預(yù)期性,促進稅收依法征管。四是建立跨年度預(yù)算平衡機制。中央財政預(yù)算因政策需要可編列赤字,在政策調(diào)整后分年彌補。預(yù)算執(zhí)行中如出現(xiàn)超收,原則上用于削減財政赤字、補充預(yù)算穩(wěn)定調(diào)節(jié)基金;如出現(xiàn)短收,通過調(diào)入預(yù)算穩(wěn)定調(diào)節(jié)基金、削減支出或增列赤字并在經(jīng)全國人大審定的國債限額內(nèi)發(fā)債平衡。五是全面清理規(guī)范財稅優(yōu)惠政策,維護法律的嚴肅性和公平競爭環(huán)境。清理范圍包括:各級政府出臺的對各類區(qū)域的稅收優(yōu)惠、收入全留或增量返還政策;對企業(yè)的稅費減免、先征后返和財政補貼,低價出讓轉(zhuǎn)讓土地和國有資產(chǎn)政策;對個人的稅費減免、先征后返和財政補貼等政策。不符合法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的政策要停止執(zhí)行。稅收優(yōu)惠政策統(tǒng)一由專門稅收法律法規(guī)規(guī)定,各類發(fā)展規(guī)劃不得另行規(guī)定財稅優(yōu)惠政策。六是建立定位清晰、分工明確的政府預(yù)算體系。明確公共財政預(yù)算、政府性基金預(yù)算、國有資本經(jīng)營預(yù)算、社會保險基金預(yù)算的支出范圍和重點,加強統(tǒng)籌協(xié)調(diào),避免交叉重復(fù)。建立將政府性基金中應(yīng)統(tǒng)籌使用的資金調(diào)入公共財政預(yù)算的機制。進一步加大國有資本經(jīng)營預(yù)算資金調(diào)入公共財政預(yù)算的力度。加強社會保險基金預(yù)算管理,做好基金結(jié)余的保值增值,在精算平衡的基礎(chǔ)上研究社會保險基金預(yù)算的可持續(xù)性問題。七是加快建立權(quán)責發(fā)生制政府綜合財務(wù)報告制度。研究制定政府綜合財務(wù)報告制度改革方案、制度規(guī)范和操作指南,繼續(xù)組織地方試編政府綜合財務(wù)報告。修訂財政總預(yù)算會計制度,對部分事項采用權(quán)責發(fā)生制,為編制政府綜合財務(wù)報告提供基礎(chǔ)數(shù)據(jù)信息。 |
(1) Deepening reform of the budget management system First, we will push ahead with releasing the budgets and final accounts of governments and their departments. We will make our release of government budgets and final accounts more detailed - to subsection-level expenditures in government budgets and final accounts and to every specific project in budgets of special transfer payments. We will release more departmental budgets and final accounts and, except for those that deal with classified matters, we will release the budgets and final accounts of all central and local government departments receiving financial allocations. We will make our release of departmental budgets and final accounts more detailed and specific. In addition to subsection-level headings, we will gradually release basic and project expenditures in departmental budgets and final accounts, and we will find ways to release departmental final accounts according to their economic categories. We will redouble efforts to release expenditures with greater details on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality, and make sure that all such publicly financed expenditures are made public. Second, we will do mid-term fiscal planning. On the basis of the national plan for long- and mid-term development and macro-control needs, we will develop mid-term fiscal policies and formulate a three-year fiscal plan. With regard to the major reforms, policies and projects that will be included in that plan, we will research policy goals, operational mechanisms, and assessment methods. We will use the three-year fiscal plan to discipline annual budgeting so as to make our fiscal policy more comprehensive, forward-looking, and sustainable. Third, we will improve the ways in which annual budgets are controlled. The focus of budget examination and verification will be extended to include not only how balanced they are and the size of the deficit but also expenditure budgets and policy, and we will tighten constraints on budget outlays. In principle, we will not introduce new policies that increase spending during the execution of the budget. We will make revenue projections less binding and more anticipatory, and promote law-based tax collection and management. Fourth, we will establish mechanisms for balancing budgets that span more than one fiscal year. When there is deficit due to the adoption of any specific policy, it can be listed under the central financial budget and covered in later years after the policy is adjusted. If there is surplus revenue in the execution of the budget, it should be used to cut fiscal deficit and replenish the Central Budget Stabilization Fund. In case the revenue comes out short of the budgeted figure, efforts should be made to make up the difference by drawing on funds from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, cutting spending, or increasing budget deficit and issuing bonds within the government debt cap approved by the NPC. Fifth, we will review and regulate preferential fiscal and tax policies across the board in order to uphold the sanctity of laws and ensure an environment for fair competition. Policies to be reviewed include: various preferential taxes introduced to specific localities by all levels of government, including those to allow the localities to retain all their revenues or turn over their year-on-year gains; policies granting enterprises reductions of or exemptions from taxes and fees, granting them rebates after taxes are paid, giving them government subsidies, and selling land-use rights and state-owned assets to them at lower prices; and policies granting individuals reductions of or exemptions from taxes and fees, granting them rebates after taxes are paid, and giving them government subsidies. All policies violating provisions of laws or administrative regulations must be ended. Preferential tax policies will only be formulated by specialized tax laws and regulations, and no other preferential fiscal and tax policies shall be included in any development plans. Sixth, we will establish a clearly-positioned government budgeting system with explicitly-divided functions. We will define the spending scopes and priorities of budgets for public finances, government-managed funds, state capital operations, and social insurance funds, and strengthen their coordinated management to avoid overlapping. We will put in place a mechanism for transferring money of which use should be under the overall planning of government-managed funds into the public finance budget. We will transfer more funds from the state capital operations budgets into the public finance budgets. We will enhance the management of budgets for social insurance funds, maintain and increase the value of surplus funds, and research the sustainability of budgets for social insurance funds on the basis of actuarial balance. Seventh, we will quickly establish the method of accrual accounting for the government's comprehensive financial reporting system. We will formulate reform plans, regulations and standards as well as operation guidelines for such a system, and continue to organize local governments in preparing comprehensive financial reports on a trial basis. We will revise the public finance budgetary accounting system, with some budgetary items dealt with by accrual accounting, to provide basic data for the preparation of comprehensive government financial reports. |
2. 推進稅收制度改革。一是繼續(xù)推進營改增改革,在全國范圍內(nèi)實施鐵路運輸和郵政服務(wù)業(yè)營改增試點,抓緊研究將電信業(yè)納入營改增范圍的政策,力爭今年4月1日實施。二是實施鼓勵企業(yè)年金和職業(yè)年金發(fā)展的個人所得稅遞延納稅優(yōu)惠政策。三是實施煤炭資源稅從價計征改革。四是進一步擴展小型微利企業(yè)稅收優(yōu)惠政策。五是改革完善消費稅制度,調(diào)整消費稅征收范圍、環(huán)節(jié)和稅率。六是加快房地產(chǎn)稅立法進程。七是加快推動環(huán)境保護稅立法工作。 |
(2) Advancing reform of the tax system First, we will continue with the reform to replace business tax with VAT. We will carry out this reform on a trial basis on railway transport and postal services nationwide, and we will quickly research policies for conducting this reform on telecommunications services and strive to implement them on April 1 this year. Second, we will carry out a preferential policy of deferred payment of individual income tax to encourage the development of annuity plans in enterprises and public institutions. Third, we will implement the reform of levying price-based resource tax on coal. Fourth, we will further expand the preferential tax policy for small businesses with low profits. Fifth, we will reform and improve the excise tax system, and adjust the scope and mechanisms for its collection and the rate of duty. Sixth, we will accelerate legislation on the real estate tax. Seventh, we will speed up legislation on the environmental protection tax. |
同時,抓緊研究調(diào)整中央與地方的事權(quán)和支出責任,在轉(zhuǎn)變政府職能、合理界定政府與市場邊界的基礎(chǔ)上,合理劃分各級政府間事權(quán)和支出責任,適度加強中央事權(quán)和支出責任;保持現(xiàn)有中央和地方財力格局總體穩(wěn)定,結(jié)合稅制改革,考慮稅種屬性,進一步理順中央和地方收入劃分。積極協(xié)同推進養(yǎng)老、醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生、教育、科技、住房等相關(guān)領(lǐng)域改革。 | In addition, we will quickly find ways to adjust the powers and spending responsibilities of central and local governments. We will reasonably define these powers and responsibilities among different levels of government and properly enhance those of the central government on the basis of transforming government functions and appropriately defining the boundary between government and the market. We will keep the current division of financial resources between the central and local governments stable on the whole, and take further steps to better distribute revenue between them by carrying out reform of the tax system and considering the different nature of taxes. We will help promote reform of services for the elderly, medical and health care, education, science and technology, and housing. |
(二)2014年財稅政策。 | 2. Fiscal and tax policies in 2014 |
1. 繼續(xù)實施積極的財政政策。 | (1) Continuing to implement a proactive fiscal policy |
2014年實施積極的財政政策,適當擴大財政赤字,保持一定的刺激力度,同時赤字率保持不變,體現(xiàn)宏觀政策的穩(wěn)定性和連續(xù)性,促進經(jīng)濟持續(xù)健康發(fā)展和財政平穩(wěn)運行。圍繞使市場在資源配置中起決定性作用,加強和改善財政宏觀調(diào)控,發(fā)揮財政政策促進結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整的優(yōu)勢,把實施財政政策同全面深化改革緊密結(jié)合起來,明晰政府和市場的邊界,處理好政府和市場的關(guān)系,著力提高宏觀調(diào)控水平,推動經(jīng)濟更有效率、更加公平、更可持續(xù)發(fā)展。在實施積極的財政政策的過程中,重點把握好三個方面的內(nèi)容: | In 2014 we will implement a proactive fiscal policy and increase the deficit by an appropriate amount to ensure a proper stimulus. At the same time, we will keep the deficit-to-GDP ratio unchanged, maintain stability and continuity of our macro policies, and promote sustained, sound economic growth and steady financial operations. Focusing on letting the market play a decisive role in allocating resources, we will strengthen and improve macro-control through fiscal policy, make full use of fiscal policy in promoting economic structural adjustments, closely integrate implementing fiscal policy with comprehensively deepening reform, clearly define the boundary and properly handle the relationship between government and the market, strive to exercise better macro-control, and get the economy to develop in a more efficient, equitable and sustainable way. While implementing a proactive fiscal policy, we need to give priority to the following three areas: |
一是優(yōu)化財政支出結(jié)構(gòu),提高財政資金使用效益。厲行勤儉節(jié)約,嚴控“三公”經(jīng)費等一般性支出。清理規(guī)范重點支出同財政收支增幅或生產(chǎn)總值掛鉤事項,一般不采取掛鉤方式,編制預(yù)算時據(jù)實安排重點支出,不再采取先確定支出總額再填項目的辦法。進一步優(yōu)化轉(zhuǎn)移支付結(jié)構(gòu),重點增加對革命老區(qū)、民族地區(qū)、邊疆地區(qū)、貧困地區(qū)的轉(zhuǎn)移支付。創(chuàng)新扶貧開發(fā)方式,推進精準扶貧,大力支持集中連片特殊困難地區(qū)區(qū)域發(fā)展和扶貧攻堅。清理、整合、規(guī)范專項轉(zhuǎn)移支付,嚴格控制新增項目和資金規(guī)模,建立健全定期評估和退出機制。將專項轉(zhuǎn)移支付項目由2013年的220個減少到150個左右。加強財政結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)結(jié)余資金管理,盤活財政存量資金,騰出資金重點用于農(nóng)業(yè)、教育、社會保障、衛(wèi)生、大氣污染治理和生態(tài)環(huán)境保護等領(lǐng)域的支出。 | First, we will optimize the structure of government expenditures and use government funds more efficiently. We will economize and strictly restrict spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality, as well as other regular expenditures. We will review and standardize key items of which budgetary expenditures are closely linked to the increases in government revenue and expenditures or to GDP and eliminate this linkage in general cases, and plan their budgetary expenditures according to the actual needs and put an end to the practice of first setting an expenditure budget and then deciding items to be funded. We will take further steps to improve the structure of transfer payments and emphatically increase transfer payments to old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poverty-stricken areas. We will innovate the way poverty reduction and development is carried out, tailor measures to local conditions, and give strong support to regional development and poverty relief in contiguous poor areas. We will review, reorganize and standardize special transfer payments, strictly limit new projects and their amounts, and put in place a sound mechanism for their periodic assessment and termination. The number of projects funded by special transfer payments will be cut from 220 in 2013 to about 150 this year. We will strengthen management of carryover and surplus appropriations and make good use of the government' s financial resources, so that more funds will be available for agriculture, education, social security, public health, air pollution control, environmental protection and other key areas. |
二是完善有利于結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整的稅收政策,促進經(jīng)濟提質(zhì)增效升級。結(jié)合稅收制度改革,進一步擴展小型微利企業(yè)稅收優(yōu)惠政策。完善促進養(yǎng)老、健康、信息、文化等服務(wù)消費發(fā)展的財稅政策。對先進技術(shù)設(shè)備、關(guān)鍵零部件、能源原材料等767種商品實施較低的進口暫定關(guān)稅。對300種資源、能源和高耗能產(chǎn)品實施稅率為2%-40%的出口關(guān)稅。完善促進企業(yè)創(chuàng)新的稅收政策,研究完善加速設(shè)備折舊政策,落實好擴大企業(yè)研發(fā)費用加計扣除范圍的政策。 | Second, we will improve tax policies that encourage structural adjustments in order to increase the quality and returns of economic growth and spur industrial upgrading. As part of the tax system reform, we will further expand the preferential tax policies for small enterprises with low profits. We will improve fiscal and tax policies to stimulate consumption of services such as elderly care, health, information, and culture. Relatively low provisional import tariffs will be levied on 767 types of commodities including advanced technology and equipment, key spare parts and components, and energy and raw materials. Export tariffs of 2%-40% will be imposed on 300 types of natural and energy resources as well as products of which production is energy intensive. We will refine tax policies that encourage enterprises to innovate, improve policies to accelerate equipment depreciation, and fully implement the policy on extending the scope of tax deductions for enterprises' R&D spending. |
三是切實加強地方政府性債務(wù)管理,有效防控財政風險。研究賦予地方政府依法適度舉債融資權(quán)限,建立以政府債券為主體的地方政府舉債融資機制。除嚴格授權(quán)舉借的短期債務(wù)外,地方政府舉借債務(wù)只能用于城市建設(shè)等公益性資本支出或置換存量債務(wù),不得用于經(jīng)常性支出。研究制定地方政府債券自發(fā)自還改革方案,推動部分地方開展改革試點。對地方政府性債務(wù)實行分類管理和限額控制,對沒有收益的公益性事業(yè)發(fā)展舉借的一般債務(wù),由地方政府發(fā)行一般債券融資,主要以公共財政收入和舉借新債償還;對有一定收益的公益性事業(yè)發(fā)展舉借的專項債務(wù),主要由地方政府通過發(fā)行市政債券等專項債券融資,以對應(yīng)的政府性基金或?qū)m検杖雰斶€。推廣運用政府與社會資本合作模式(PPP),鼓勵社會資本通過特許經(jīng)營等方式參與城市基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施等的投資和運營。在允許地方政府規(guī)范舉債的同時,進一步加強地方融資平臺公司舉債管理,規(guī)范融資平臺公司融資行為。抓緊剝離融資平臺公司承擔的政府融資職能,剝離后地方政府新發(fā)生或有債務(wù),要嚴格限定在依法擔保形成的債務(wù)范圍內(nèi)。同時,建立債務(wù)風險預(yù)警及化解機制,列入風險預(yù)警范圍的高風險地區(qū)不得新增債務(wù)余額,強化金融機構(gòu)等債權(quán)人約束,推進建立考核問責機制和地方政府信用評級制度。為確保改革措施平穩(wěn)推進,既要規(guī)范管理新增債務(wù),也要妥善處理存量債務(wù),防止資金鏈斷裂。 | Third, we will strengthen local government debt management and forestall and control fiscal risks. We will study how to grant local governments the power to finance through borrowing as appropriate and as laid down by regulations, and create local government financing mechanisms mainly by issuing government bonds. Apart from short-term debt secured with strict authorization, local governments should only borrow to fund urban development and other public-service capital expenditure or to replace their outstanding debts, rather than regular expenditure. We will develop a reform plan for local governments to issue bonds and repay debt on their own, and encourage some localities to launch the trial reform. Local government debt will be managed by type and capped. General liabilities arising from the development of nonprofit public service programs will be financed by general bonds issued by local governments and repaid mainly with government revenue or new borrowings. Special debts incurred for the development of public-service programs with a degree of yield will be financed mainly by municipal bonds and other special bonds issued by local governments and repaid with the revenue from corresponding government-managed funds or special use revenue. We will promote application of the Public and Private Partnership (PPP) model, and encourage the involvement of nongovernmental capital in the investment and operation of urban infrastructure by means of franchises and other operations. While allowing local governments to raise funds in compliance with standards, we will further strengthen management over the borrowings of local financing companies, regulate their financing activities, and step up efforts to remove government financing being underwritten by such companies. If local governments incur new contingent liabilities afterwards they must be strictly limited within the scope of law-based debt guarantees. Meanwhile, we will build mechanisms for issuing warnings about and defusing debt risks. High-risk regions included in the risk warning list shall not be allowed to take on more debt. We will place tighter constraints on financial institutions and other creditors, and move forward with developing evaluation and accountability mechanisms and a credit rating system for local governments. To ensure smooth implementation of reform measures, we shall not only put new debt under standardized management but appropriately handle outstanding debt to avoid any break in the chain of funding. |
2. 促進農(nóng)業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展和推進城鎮(zhèn)化。 | (2) Promoting sustainable agricultural development and moving urbanization forward |
切實貫徹落實國家糧食安全戰(zhàn)略,繼續(xù)支持提高農(nóng)業(yè)綜合生產(chǎn)能力,確保谷物基本自給、口糧絕對安全。在此基礎(chǔ)上,支持建立農(nóng)業(yè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展長效機制。一是支持生態(tài)友好型農(nóng)業(yè)發(fā)展。推動實施保護性耕作,開展深松整地試點、秸稈還田工作;支持畜禽糞便資源化利用,選擇一些規(guī)模較大的養(yǎng)殖場開展試點;推廣旱作農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)。二是推進農(nóng)業(yè)走出去,積極利用國外資源。三是支持耕地修復(fù)保護。選擇部分省份開展新一輪退耕還林試點;支持在河北部分地下水超采漏斗區(qū)開展耕地治理和農(nóng)業(yè)節(jié)水措施應(yīng)用試點;啟動重金屬污染耕地修復(fù)試點。四是推進糧棉收儲補貼制度改革。適當控制最低收購價格上調(diào)幅度,合理制定臨時收儲價格,讓市場機制更多地發(fā)揮作用。從2014年起,取消部分地區(qū)大豆和棉花臨時收儲政策,開展目標價格補貼試點。加大財政資金投入,支持重點省份加快推進“危倉老庫”維修改造。 |
We will earnestly implement the country's food security strategy, continue to support the efforts to raise overall agricultural production capacity, and guarantee our basic self-sufficiency of cereal grains and absolute grain security. On this basis, we will support the establishment of permanent mechanisms for sustainable agricultural development. First, we will support the development of ecologically friendly agriculture. We will encourage conservation tillage by carrying out trials to improve the subsoil of land and return plant stalks to fields. We will support recovery of resources from animal manures and select a number of large livestock and poultry farms to begin the trial. We will spread dry-farming techniques. Second, we will encourage agriculture to go global, and actively use foreign resources. Third, we will support the restoration and conservation of cultivated land. We will conduct another round of trials to turn cultivated land back to forests in selected provinces. We will support the pilot project to improve cropland and adopt water saving measures in agriculture in parts of the areas with funnel-shaped drainage caused by overtapping groundwater in Hebei Province. We will also launch trials of restoring cultivated land contaminated by heavy metals. Fourth, we will push forward the reform of the system for subsidizing the purchase and storage of grain and cotton. We will keep the rise in their minimum purchase prices within appropriate limits, set reasonable prices for temporary purchase and storage, and let market forces play a bigger role in deciding their prices. Beginning in 2014, we will phase out the policy of temporarily purchasing and stockpiling soybean and cotton in some areas, and launch a pilot project of granting subsidies on the basis of target prices. We will increase government funding to support key provinces in acting more quickly to renovate their dilapidated warehouses. |
積極推動城鎮(zhèn)化進程。發(fā)揮財政資金的引導(dǎo)作用,推廣運用PPP模式,支持建立多元可持續(xù)的城鎮(zhèn)化建設(shè)資金保障機制。研究建立財政轉(zhuǎn)移支付同農(nóng)業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)移人口市民化掛鉤機制。支持開展新型城鎮(zhèn)化試點示范工作。 | We will drive forward the process of urbanization. We will give play to the steering role of government funds, spread the use of the PPP model, and support the establishment of diversified and sustainable mechanisms for ensuring funding for urbanization. We will explore mechanisms to link transfer payments to the number of rural people who have moved to cities and got registered as permanent urban residents. We will support the trials and demonstrations of the new type of urbanization. |
3. 完善醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生和社會保障制度。 | (3) Refining the medical and health care and social security systems |
一是推進醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生體制改革。按照“十二五”期間深化醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生體制改革規(guī)劃有關(guān)年度工作要求,將新型農(nóng)村合作醫(yī)療和城鎮(zhèn)居民基本醫(yī)療保險財政補助標準由年人均280元提高到320元,相應(yīng)提高個人繳費水平,由70元提高到90元;加快推進城鄉(xiāng)居民大病保險工作,進一步減輕群眾的大病醫(yī)藥費用負擔;加大城鄉(xiāng)醫(yī)療救助投入,擴大救助范圍,支持對重性精神病患者給予救助;加大公共衛(wèi)生資金投入,繼續(xù)實施基本公共衛(wèi)生服務(wù)和重大公共衛(wèi)生服務(wù)項目,基本公共衛(wèi)生服務(wù)經(jīng)費標準提高到每人每年35元;繼續(xù)推進縣級公立醫(yī)院綜合改革試點,研究調(diào)整基層醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生機構(gòu)補助政策,調(diào)動基層醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生機構(gòu)和人員增加服務(wù)數(shù)量和提高服務(wù)質(zhì)量的積極性。二是完善養(yǎng)老保險制度。建立統(tǒng)一的城鄉(xiāng)居民基本養(yǎng)老保險制度,制定城鄉(xiāng)養(yǎng)老保險制度銜接辦法。堅持社會統(tǒng)籌和個人賬戶相結(jié)合的基本養(yǎng)老保險制度,完善個人賬戶制度,健全多繳多得激勵機制,堅持精算平衡原則,堵塞制度漏洞。按10%的標準提高企業(yè)退休人員基本養(yǎng)老金水平。同時,積極推進機關(guān)事業(yè)單位養(yǎng)老保險改革。三是健全對低收入群體補助政策。完善社會救助和保障標準與物價上漲掛鉤的聯(lián)動機制,對中央財政補助地區(qū)按城鄉(xiāng)低保對象月人均分別提高15元和12元的標準安排補助資金,全面實施臨時救助制度,進一步提高優(yōu)撫對象等人員撫恤和生活補助標準。四是繼續(xù)實施更加積極的就業(yè)政策,強化政策落實力度,重點支持高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè)和農(nóng)村勞動力轉(zhuǎn)移就業(yè)。 |
First, we must facilitate the reform of the medical and health care systems. In line with the requirements for each year's work set forth in the plan for deepening the reform of the medical and health care systems during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, we will increase government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and basic medical insurance for nonworking urban residents from 280 yuan to 320 yuan per person per year and accordingly increase the annual individual contribution from 70 to 90 yuan per person. We will more quickly push ahead the work of insuring rural and nonworking urban residents against serious illnesses to further reduce their burden of medical expenses. We will increase input in medical assistance in urban and rural areas, expand access to such assistance, and provide assistance to those suffering from serious mental illness. We will increase financial input in public health, continue to implement basic and major public health services projects, and raise annual per capita spending on basic public health services to 35 yuan. We will continue with the trials on comprehensive reform in county-level public hospitals, and develop better policies of subsidizing community medical and health care centers to motivate them and their staff to enhance their services in terms of both quantity and quality. Second, we will refine the old-age insurance system. We will establish a unified basic old-age insurance system for the rural population and nonworking urban residents, and formulate methods to link the old-age insurance systems in urban and rural areas. We will adhere to the basic old-age insurance system that combines contributions from various sources in society with personal accounts, and improve the regulations on personal accounts and mechanisms to incentivize people to pay more to get more. We will uphold the actuarial balance principle and close institutional loopholes. We will increase the basic pension benefits for retired enterprise employees by 10%. In addition, we will vigorously move forward the reform of old-age insurance in government bodies and public institutions. Third, we will improve the subsidy policies for low-income groups. We will improve the mechanism for increasing social assistance and social security benefits when consumer prices rise. We will set aside money to raise subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents living in areas that receive central government subsidies by 15 yuan and 12 yuan, respectively, per person per month. We will implement the system of temporary assistance across the country, and further raise subsidies and living allowances for entitled groups. Fourth, we must continue to follow a more proactive employment policy and redouble efforts to implement it, with the focus on helping university graduates find employment or start businesses, and rural workers' transition into the cities for employment. |
4. 推進教育、科技、文化改革發(fā)展。 | (4) Giving impetus to the reform and development of education, science and technology, and culture |
一是區(qū)分教育的公共性層次,完善針對不同教育類型的財政支持政策。支持解決教育改革發(fā)展關(guān)鍵領(lǐng)域和薄弱環(huán)節(jié)問題,進一步加強財政教育經(jīng)費使用管理。擴大農(nóng)村學前教育資源。適當提高農(nóng)村義務(wù)教育學校生均公用經(jīng)費補助標準,改善貧困地區(qū)義務(wù)教育薄弱學?;巨k學條件,著力推進城鄉(xiāng)義務(wù)教育均衡發(fā)展。逐步提高特殊教育學校生均公用經(jīng)費補助標準。加快發(fā)展現(xiàn)代職業(yè)教育,建立和完善以改革和績效為導(dǎo)向的高職院校生均撥款制度,同時引導(dǎo)企業(yè)、個人和社會多渠道投資職業(yè)教育。落實體現(xiàn)內(nèi)涵式發(fā)展的高校預(yù)算撥款制度改革各項措施。在教育管理信息化的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)進城務(wù)工農(nóng)民工隨遷子女跨區(qū)域流動情況,完善相關(guān)測算辦法,增加接收地區(qū)的轉(zhuǎn)移支付。二是深化科技管理體制改革,支持落實創(chuàng)新驅(qū)動發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略。改進和加強中央財政科研項目和資金管理,加大對基礎(chǔ)研究的投入力度,完善政府對基礎(chǔ)性、戰(zhàn)略性、前沿性科學研究和共性技術(shù)研究的支持機制,健全技術(shù)創(chuàng)新市場導(dǎo)向機制。推動國家科技重大專項組織實施管理機制改革,進一步加強對專項資金的績效管理。深入推進中央財政科技專項優(yōu)化整合,建立各類科技計劃(專項、基金等)的績效評估、動態(tài)調(diào)整和中止機制。加快制定科研成果處置與收益分配政策。啟動國家科技成果轉(zhuǎn)化引導(dǎo)基金,完善科技型中小企業(yè)創(chuàng)業(yè)投資引導(dǎo)基金政策。三是支持完善公共文化服務(wù)體系,促進文化產(chǎn)業(yè)健康發(fā)展。推動公共文化資源整合和統(tǒng)籌利用,以農(nóng)村和中西部貧困地區(qū)為重點,推進基本公共文化服務(wù)標準化、均等化。促進全民體育健身活動開展,支持大型體育場館免費或低收費開放。有效發(fā)揮文化產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展專項資金的作用,大力推進文化創(chuàng)意和設(shè)計服務(wù)與相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)融合發(fā)展。 |
First, we will determine how public different types of education are, so we can improve our financial support policies accordingly. We will support the efforts to address issues in key areas and weak links of education reform and development, and further strengthen regulation of the use of government funds for education. We will broaden resources for pre-school education in rural areas. We will increase government subsidies for rural students receiving compulsory education by an appropriate amount per student, improve the basic facilities in weak schools for compulsory education in poor areas, and promote balanced development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas. We will steadily raise government subsidies per student in special needs education schools. We will more quickly develop modern vocational education, and establish a sound system oriented toward reform and performance in vocational colleges with a funding system based on student numbers. At the same time, we will encourage businesses, individuals and society to invest in vocational education through multiple channels. We will implement reform measures to establish a budgetary appropriation system in institutions of higher learning that supports their intensive development. On the basis of IT-based education management and in light of the situation in which children of rural migrant workers are moving beyond regions and into cities with their parents, we will improve the related measurement and calculation methods to increase transfer payments to the regions where these children are accepted. Second, we will deepen reform of the system for managing science and technology, and support the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy. We will improve and strengthen management of the central government-funded research programs and their funding; scale up input in basic research, improve the mechanism of government support for research on basic, strategic and frontier science and generic technology; and improve market-oriented mechanisms for technological innovation. We will promote reform of the mechanisms for managing the implementation of major national science and technology programs, and further intensify performance-based management of special funds. We will make further progress in optimizing and integrating science and technology programs financed by the central government, and put in place mechanisms for evaluating performance of, making dynamic adjustments to and suspending science and technology programs (special projects and funds). We will more quickly formulate policies on transferring and profiting from research results. We will activate the state seed funds for encouraging the application of science and technology advances, and refine the policies on venture capital seed funds for small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises. Third, we will support improvement of the public cultural services system, and promote the sound development of the culture industry. We will stimulate the integration and overall coordinated use of public cultural resources and make basic public cultural services more standardized and accessible, especially in rural areas and poverty-stricken areas in the central and western regions. We will encourage the development of sports and fitness activities nationwide, and support large stadiums and gymnasiums in opening up to the public free of charge or at low prices. We will make efficient use of the funds for developing cultural industries, and vigorously integrate the development of cultural and creative industries as well as design services with that of related industries. |
(三)2014年收支預(yù)算。 | 3. Revenue and expenditure budgets for 2014 |
根據(jù)我國經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展的中長期趨勢變化、未來幾年各領(lǐng)域支出需求,以及黨中央、國務(wù)院確定的2014年經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展預(yù)期指標和重點任務(wù)情況,按照收入預(yù)算實事求是、積極穩(wěn)妥、留有余地,支出預(yù)算統(tǒng)籌兼顧、突出重點、有保有壓的原則,對公共財政預(yù)算、政府性基金預(yù)算、國有資本經(jīng)營預(yù)算和社會保險基金預(yù)算統(tǒng)籌安排如下: | In accordance with the mid-to-long term trends and changes in China's economic and social development and in light of the expenditure demands of every sector in the next few years as well as the targets and major tasks for economic and social development in 2014 determined by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we followed a realistic and pragmatic approach, made active yet prudent plans, and left some leeway in preparing the revenue budgets. In preparing the expenditure budgets, we have taken all factors into consideration, highlighted priorities, and ensured spending in some areas while reducing it in others. In preparing the budgets for public finances, government-managed funds, state capital operations, and social insurance funds, we made the following overall arrangements: |
1. 公共財政預(yù)算。 | (1) Public finance budgets for 2014 |
中央財政收入64380億元,比2013年執(zhí)行數(shù)(下同)增長7%。需要說明的是,按照黨的十八屆三中全會決定精神,收入預(yù)算從約束性轉(zhuǎn)向預(yù)期性,由收入任務(wù)數(shù)變?yōu)槭杖腩A(yù)計數(shù)。從中央預(yù)算穩(wěn)定調(diào)節(jié)基金調(diào)入1000億元,合計收入總量預(yù)計為65380億元。中央財政支出74880億元,增長9.3%(扣除預(yù)備費后增長8.6%)。其中,中央本級支出22506億元,中央對地方稅收返還和轉(zhuǎn)移支付51874億元,中央預(yù)備費500億元。收支總量相抵,中央財政赤字預(yù)計為9500億元,比2013年增加1000億元。中央財政國債余額限額100708.35億元。中央預(yù)算穩(wěn)定調(diào)節(jié)基金余額為483.08億元。 | Revenue of the central government is estimated at 6.438 trillion yuan, an increase of 7% over the actual figure for 2013 (as below). It should be noted that in line with the guiding principles of the decision adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Party Central Committee, revenue budgets have become more anticipatory and less binding, and revenue targets are now seen as projections instead of tasks to accomplish. Adding the 100 billion yuan from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, revenue in 2014 should amount to 6.538 trillion yuan. Central government expenditure is projected to reach 7.488 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.3% (up 8.6% after deducting the reserve funds). This consists of 2.2506 trillion yuan incurred at the central level, 5.1874 trillion yuan paid out as tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments, and 50 billion yuan of reserve funds for the central budget. Therefore, total expenditure exceeds total revenue, leaving a deficit of 950 billion yuan, 100 billion yuan more than in 2013. The ceiling for the outstanding balance on government bonds in the central budget stands at 10.070835 trillion yuan. The balance on the Central Budget Stabilization Fund will total 48.308 billion yuan. |
地方本級收入75150億元,增長9%,加上中央對地方稅收返還和轉(zhuǎn)移支付收入51874億元,地方財政收入合計預(yù)計為127024億元。地方財政支出130031億元,增長9%,加上地方政府債券還本支出993億元,支出總量為131024億元。地方財政收支差額4000億元,比2013年增加500億元,國務(wù)院同意由財政部代理發(fā)行地方政府債券彌補,并列入省級預(yù)算管理。需要說明的是,地方財政收支預(yù)算由地方各級人民政府編制,報同級人民代表大會批準,目前尚在匯總中。報告中地方財政收入預(yù)計數(shù)和支出安排數(shù)均為中央財政代編。 | Revenue collected by local governments is expected to reach 7.515 trillion yuan, up 9%. Including the 5.1874 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government, revenue of local governments is estimated at 12.7024 trillion yuan. Local government expenditure is projected to be 13.0031 trillion yuan, up 9%. Adding the 99.3 billion yuan used to repay the principal on local government bonds, total expenditure will come to 13.1024 trillion yuan. Total expenditure exceeds total revenue by 400 billion yuan, 50 billion yuan more than in 2013. With the approval of the State Council, the deficit will be covered by the Ministry of Finance issuing bonds on behalf of local governments, both of which will be incorporated into provincial-level government budgets. It should be noted that as revenue and expenditure budgets of local governments are prepared by local people' s governments and subject to approval of people' s congresses at their respective levels, related data is still being collected. The above-mentioned revenue projections and expenditure appropriations in the local budgets have been compiled by the central finance authorities. |
匯總中央和地方預(yù)算,全國財政收入139530億元,增長8%。加上從中央預(yù)算穩(wěn)定調(diào)節(jié)基金調(diào)入1000億元,可安排的收入總量為140530億元。全國財政支出153037億元,增長9.5%,加上地方政府債券還本支出993億元,支出總量為154030億元。收支差額13500億元,比2013年增加1500億元,赤字率為2.1%左右。 | Combining the central and local budgets, national revenue is projected to be 13.953 trillion yuan, up 8%. Adding the 100 billion yuan from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, total available revenue is estimated to reach 14.053 trillion yuan. National expenditure is budgeted at 15.3037 trillion yuan, up 9.5%. Including the 99.3 billion yuan to be used to repay the principal on local government bonds, total expenditure will hit 15.403 trillion yuan. Total expenditure exceeds total revenue by 1.35 trillion yuan, an increase of 150 billion yuan from 2013. The deficit is equivalent to about 2.1% of GDP. |
2014年中央預(yù)算主要支出項目安排情況:農(nóng)林水支出6487.47億元,增長8.6%。社會保障和就業(yè)支出7152.96億元,增長9.8%。教育支出4133.55億元,增長9.1%。科學技術(shù)支出2673.9億元,增長8.9%。文化體育與傳媒支出512.29億元,增長9.2%。醫(yī)療衛(wèi)生與計劃生育支出3038.05億元,增長15.1%。住房保障支出2528.69億元,增長9%。節(jié)能環(huán)保支出2109.09億元,增長7.1%。交通運輸支出4345.68億元,增長5.1%。糧油物資儲備支出1393.96億元,增長10.1%。國防支出8082.3億元,增長12.2%。公共安全支出2050.65億元,增長6.1%。一般公共服務(wù)支出1245.15億元,增長2.6%。資源勘探信息等支出605.77億元,下降20.7%,主要是基本建設(shè)支出減少。商業(yè)服務(wù)業(yè)等支出366.69億元,下降19.1%,主要是家電下鄉(xiāng)補貼政策到期后,2014年不再安排補貼資金,相應(yīng)減少支出。 |
Main expenditure items under the central budget in 2014 are as follows: The appropriation for agriculture, forestry and water conservancy is 648.747 billion yuan, up 8.6%. The appropriation for social security and employment is 715.296 billion yuan, up 9.8%. The appropriation for education is 413.355 billion yuan, up 9.1%. The appropriation for science and technology is 267.39 billion yuan, up 8.9%. The appropriation for culture, sports and the media is 51.229 billion yuan, up 9.2%. The appropriation for medical and health care and family planning is 303.805 billion yuan, up 15.1%. The appropriation for guaranteeing housing is 252.869 billion yuan, up 9%. The appropriation for energy conservation and environmental protection is 210.909, up 7.1%. The appropriation for transport is 434.568 billion yuan, up 5.1%. The appropriation for stockpiling grain, edible oils and other materials is 139.396 billion yuan, up 10.1%. The appropriation for national defense is 808.23 billion yuan, up 12.2%. The appropriation for public security is 205.065 billion yuan, up 6.1%. The appropriation for general public services is 124.515 billion yuan, up 2.6%. The appropriation for natural resource exploration and information technology is 60.577 billion yuan, down 20.7%, which is mainly because of the decrease in expenditure on infrastructure construction. The appropriation for commercial services is 36.669 billion yuan, a reduction of 19.1%, which is primarily due to the spending decrease because no new appropriation will be made for 2014 after the expiration of the policy to provide rural residents with subsidies for the purchase of home appliances. |
中央對地方稅收返還和轉(zhuǎn)移支付51874億元,增長8%。其中,一般性轉(zhuǎn)移支付27217.87億元,增長10.9%;專項轉(zhuǎn)移支付19569.22億元,增長6.1%。在一般性轉(zhuǎn)移支付中,均衡性轉(zhuǎn)移支付10807.81億元,增長10.1%;革命老區(qū)、民族和邊境地區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)移支付695.22億元,增長11.8%。均衡性轉(zhuǎn)移支付中,縣級基本財力保障機制獎補資金1678億元,增長10%;重點生態(tài)功能區(qū)轉(zhuǎn)移支付480億元,增長13.5%;產(chǎn)糧大縣獎勵資金349.81億元,增長10%。 | Central government tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments will reach 5.1874 trillion yuan, up 8%. Of this amount, general transfer payments will account for 2.721787 trillion yuan, up 10.9%, and special transfer payments will account for 1.956922 trillion yuan, up 6.1%. General transfer payments for equalizing access to basic public services will come to 1.080781 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.1%, which includes 167.8 billion yuan in awards and subsidies for implementing the mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments, up 10%; 48 billion yuan for key ecological zones, up 13.5%; and 34.981 billion yuan in awards to major grain-producing counties, up 10%. General transfer payments to old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, and border areas will total 69.522 billion yuan, up 11.8%. |
2. 政府性基金預(yù)算。 | (2) Budgets for government-managed funds |
中央政府性基金收入4168.62億元,下降1.5%。加上上年結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)收入806.96億元,中央政府性基金收入總量為4975.58億元。中央政府性基金支出4975.58億元,增長16.8%。其中,中央本級支出3422.37億元,增長24%;對地方轉(zhuǎn)移支付1553.21億元,增長3.6%。 | Receipts of central government-managed funds will amount to 416.862 billion yuan, down 1.5%. Adding the 80.696 billion yuan carried forward from last year, total receipts of central government-managed funds will reach 497.558 billion yuan in 2014. Outlays of central government-managed funds will be 497.558 billion yuan, up 16.8%. This figure consists of 342.237 billion yuan of central government spending, up 24%, and 155.321 billion yuan in transfer payments to local governments, up 3.6%. |
地方政府性基金本級收入43140.61億元,下降10.1%。其中,國有土地使用權(quán)出讓收入36371.31億元,下降11.8%。加上中央政府性基金對地方轉(zhuǎn)移支付1553.21億元,地方政府性基金收入為44693.82億元。地方政府性基金支出44693.82億元,下降5.6%。其中,國有土地使用權(quán)出讓收入安排的支出36871.14億元,下降9.2%。 | Revenue of funds managed by local governments will reach 4.314061 trillion yuan, down 10.1%, which includes 3.637131 trillion yuan from the sale of state-owned land-use rights, down 11.8%. Adding the 155.321 billion yuan in transfer payments from central government-managed funds, revenue of local government-managed funds will total 4.469382 trillion yuan. Outlays of local government-managed funds will be 4.469382 trillion yuan, down 5.6%. This figure includes 3.687114 trillion yuan of spending allocated from the proceeds of selling state-owned land-use rights, down 9.2%. |
匯總中央和地方預(yù)算,全國政府性基金收入47309.23億元,下降9.4%,加上上年結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)收入806.96億元,全國政府性基金收入總量為48116.19億元;全國政府性基金支出48116.19億元,下降4%。 | Adding the central and local budgets together, revenue of the central and local government-managed funds will come to 4.730923 trillion yuan, a decrease of 9.4%. Including the 80.696 billion yuan carried forward from last year, total receipts of government-managed funds will reach 4.811619 trillion yuan nationwide, and expenditure of these funds will come to the same amount, a decrease of 4%. |
3. 國有資本經(jīng)營預(yù)算。 | (3) Budgets for state capital operations |
中央國有資本經(jīng)營收入1426億元,增長34.7%。加上上年結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)收入152.03億元,中央國有資本經(jīng)營收入總量為1578.03億元。中央國有資本經(jīng)營支出1578.03億元,增長61.3%。其中,調(diào)入公共財政預(yù)算用于社會保障等民生支出184億元,增長183.1%,占中央企業(yè)上繳國有資本收益的13%。 | Revenue of the central government's state capital operations will reach 142.6 billion yuan, up 34.7%. Adding the 15.203 billion yuan carried over from last year, proceeds will total 157.803 billion yuan. Expenditure on the central government's state capital operations will total 157.803 billion yuan, up 61.3%. This figure includes 18.4 billion yuan transferred to the public finance budget to be spent on improving people's living standards, such as social security, and is up 183.1%. It accounts for 13% of the proceeds from state capital operations that central government enterprises will turn over to the government. |
地方國有資本經(jīng)營收入555.79億元,地方國有資本經(jīng)營支出555.79億元。 | Revenue and expenditure from local government state capital operations will each be 55.579 billion yuan. |
匯總中央和地方預(yù)算,全國國有資本經(jīng)營收入1981.79億元,加上上年結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)收入152.03億元,全國國有資本經(jīng)營收入總量為2133.82億元;全國國有資本經(jīng)營支出2133.82億元。 | Combining the central and local budgets, national revenue from state capital operations will reach 198.179 billion yuan. Adding the 15.203 billion yuan carried over from last year, national revenue will total 213.382 billion yuan. Expenditures of state capital operations will amount to 213.382 billion yuan. |
4. 社會保險基金預(yù)算。 | (4) Budgets for social insurance funds |
全國社會保險基金收入37666.51億元,增長9.1%,其中,保險費收入28087.56億元,財政補貼收入8211.85億元。全國社會保險基金支出32581億元,增長13.9%。本年收支結(jié)余5085.51億元,年末滾存結(jié)余48527.36億元。 以上預(yù)算安排的具體情況詳見《中華人民共和國2013年全國預(yù)算執(zhí)行情況2014年全國預(yù)算(草案)》。 |
National revenue of social insurance funds is estimated at 3.766651 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.1%, including 2.808756 trillion yuan of insurance premiums and 821.185 billion yuan of government subsidies. Expenditure of social insurance funds will total 3.2581 trillion yuan nationwide, an increase of 13.9%. We have calculated this year's revenue and expenditure to show a surplus of 508.551 billion yuan, and the year-end balance after the balance from 2013 is rolled over is projected to be 4.852736 trillion yuan. |
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