構建新發(fā)展格局 實現(xiàn)互利共贏 ——在亞太經合組織工商領導人對話會上的主旨演講 (2020年11月19日,北京) 中華人民共和國主席 習近平 | Fostering a New Development Paradigm and Pursuing Mutual Benefit and Win-win Cooperation Keynote Address by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the APEC CEO Dialogues 19 November 2020 | |
各位工商界朋友, 女士們,先生們,朋友們: | Leaders of the Business Community, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, | |
在全球共抗新冠肺炎疫情、探索世界經濟復蘇道路的重要時刻,很高興通過視頻方式同大家見面。 | At a critical time when the world is fighting COVID-19 and exploring ways to achieve economic recovery, I am glad to have this dialogue with you through video links. | |
人類正處在一個特殊的歷史時期。新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行,推動世界百年未有之大變局加速演進。世界經濟深度衰退,全球產業(yè)鏈、供應鏈遭受沖擊,治理赤字、信任赤字、發(fā)展赤字、和平赤字仍在擴大。單邊主義、保護主義、霸凌行徑上升,經濟全球化遭遇逆流,加劇了世界經濟中的風險和不確定性。 | This is an unusual time in history for us humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated changes unseen in a century in the world. The global economy finds itself into deep recession, its industrial and supply chains are disrupted, and governance, trust, development and peace deficits continue to grow. Mounting unilateralism, protectionism and bullying as well as backlash against economic globalization have added to risks and uncertainties in the world economy. | |
與此同時,和平與發(fā)展的時代主題沒有改變,合作應對挑戰(zhàn)是國際社會唯一選擇。這場疫情再次說明,人類命運休戚與共,各國利益緊密相連,世界是不可分割的命運共同體。無論是贏得全球抗疫最終勝利,還是推動世界經濟復蘇,國際社會必須團結協(xié)作,共同應對危機考驗。各國要守望相助、同舟共濟,弘揚伙伴精神,密切政策溝通和協(xié)調,全面深化抗疫國際合作,堅持建設開放型世界經濟,爭取盡早戰(zhàn)勝疫情,努力實現(xiàn)世界經濟強勁、可持續(xù)、平衡、包容增長。 | However, peace and development remain the underlying trend of our times. Meeting challenges through cooperation is the only way forward for us in the international community. This pandemic once again shows that the interests of all countries are closely interwoven and that humankind shares a common stake. Indeed, our world is an indivisible community with a shared future. To beat the virus and promote global recovery, we in the international community must close ranks and jointly respond to this crisis and meet the test. All countries should act in the spirit of partnership and get through this tough time together. We need to step up policy communication and coordination, intensify all-round global cooperation against COVID-19 and keep global economy open. By doing so, we can defeat the virus at an early date and achieve robust, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth for all. | |
今年以來,面對突如其來的疫情,中國堅持人民至上、生命至上,14億人民上下一心,全國抗疫斗爭取得重大戰(zhàn)略成果。我們統(tǒng)籌疫情防控和經濟社會發(fā)展工作,抓緊恢復生產生活秩序。前三季度,中國經濟增長實現(xiàn)由負轉正。這一成果來之不易,充分展現(xiàn)了中國經濟的強大韌性和旺盛活力。中國經濟發(fā)展穩(wěn)中向好、長期向好的基本面沒有變,我們完全有信心、有能力保持經濟平穩(wěn)運行,如期實現(xiàn)全面建成小康社會、打贏脫貧攻堅戰(zhàn)的目標。 | Since the start of this year, facing the sudden onslaught of COVID-19, China has put people and life above everything else. The 1.4 billion Chinese people, united as one, have made a major strategic achievement in fighting the virus. We have endeavored to both contain the virus and speedily bring production and life back to normal, thus maintaining economic and social development. China's economy resumed positive overall growth in the first three quarters this year. This hard-won achievement speaks volumes about the resilience and vitality of the Chinese economy. The fundamentals sustaining China's steady and long-term economic growth remain unchanged. We have full confidence and ability to maintain stable economic performance and achieve the goals of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and eradicating poverty within the set time frame. | |
不久前,中共十九屆五中全會審議通過了關于制定第十四個五年規(guī)劃的建議,提出全面建成小康社會奮斗目標將如期實現(xiàn),明年中國將開啟全面建設社會主義現(xiàn)代化國家新征程,我們將科學把握新發(fā)展階段,堅定貫徹新發(fā)展理念,積極構建以國內大循環(huán)為主體、國內國際雙循環(huán)相互促進的新發(fā)展格局。我們提出構建新發(fā)展格局,是立足中國自身發(fā)展階段和發(fā)展條件,充分考慮經濟全球化和外部環(huán)境變化所作出的戰(zhàn)略抉擇。 | At its recently concluded Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, the Communist Party of China deliberated on and adopted the recommendations for formulating China's 14th Five-Year Plan. According to the recommendations, China will complete building a moderately prosperous society in all respects within the set time frame. From next year on, China will embark on a new journey toward fully building a modern socialist country. We will develop a full understanding of the new development stage, and apply the new development philosophy. We will foster a new development paradigm with domestic circulation as the mainstay and domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other. The new development paradigm is a strategic decision we have made based on the current stage and conditions of development in China and with full consideration given to economic globalization and changes in the external environment. | |
第一,我們將扭住擴大內需戰(zhàn)略基點,暢通國民經濟循環(huán)。近年來,中國市場和資源兩頭在外的發(fā)展模式已經悄然改變,外貿依存度由2006年的67%下降到2019年的近32%,經常項目順差同國內生產總值比率由2007年的9.9%降至現(xiàn)在的不到1%。2008年國際金融危機發(fā)生以來,中國國內需求對經濟增長的貢獻率有7個年份超過100%,國內消費成為經濟增長的主要動力。在推動經濟雙循環(huán)過程中,中國經濟自主性和發(fā)展質量顯著提升,構建新發(fā)展格局順應了中國經濟結構調整、推動高質量發(fā)展的內在需要。我們將繼續(xù)深化供給側結構性改革,在擴大內需上下更大功夫,使生產、分配、流通、消費更多依托國內市場,增強供給體系對國內需求的適配性,形成需求牽引供給、供給創(chuàng)造需求的更高水平動態(tài)平衡。 | First, we will expand domestic demand as a strategic priority and ensure smooth flow of economic activity. In recent years, China's development model of reliance on foreign markets and resources has gone through some gradual changes. The ratio of foreign trade to GDP dropped from 67 percent in 2006 to less than 32 percent in 2019, while the ratio of current account surplus to GDP has come down from 9.9 percent in 2007 to less than one percent today. In seven years since the 2008 global financial crisis, the contribution of China's domestic demand to GDP exceeded 100 percent, making domestic consumption the main driver of its growth. In promoting domestic and international circulations, the Chinese economy has become much more domestically driven and the performance of China's development has been significantly enhanced. Fostering a new development paradigm will enable China to better adjust its economic structure and achieve high-quality development. China will continue to deepen supply-side structural reforms and further expand domestic demand. Doing so will make production, distribution, flow of goods and services, and consumption in China more based on domestic market, and it will make the supply system better adapt to domestic demand. This will usher in a higher stage of well-adjusted balance where demand drives supply and supply, in turn, creates demand. | |
第二,我們將大力推動科技創(chuàng)新,打造經濟發(fā)展新動能。當前,新一輪科技革命和產業(yè)變革加速發(fā)展,科技對提高社會生產力的貢獻更加凸顯。中國堅持把創(chuàng)新作為引領發(fā)展的第一動力,推進創(chuàng)新驅動發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,取得顯著成就。隨著中國進入新發(fā)展階段,支撐發(fā)展的要素條件發(fā)生了深刻變化,必須實現(xiàn)依靠創(chuàng)新驅動的內涵型增長。我們將依托超大規(guī)模市場優(yōu)勢和完備產業(yè)體系,加速科技成果向現(xiàn)實生產力轉化,打造科技、教育、產業(yè)、金融緊密融合的創(chuàng)新體系,不斷提升產業(yè)鏈水平,為中國經濟長遠發(fā)展提供有力支撐。 | Second, we will vigorously make scientific and technological innovations to foster new growth drivers. A new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is gathering pace, and science and technology are playing an even more significant role in boosting social productivity. To China, innovation has always been the primary driver of development, and we have made major achievements by implementing an innovation-driven development strategy. As China enters a new stage of development, factors of production underpinning its development have gone through profound changes. This means that China must pursue innovation to achieve high-quality growth driven by domestic demand. We will fully leverage the demand of our super-sized domestic market and the strengths of its complete industrial system and redouble efforts to turn research outcomes into real productivity. We will endeavor to build an innovation system that integrates science and technology, education, industries and the financial sector, and upgrade the industrial chains. This will sustain China's long-term economic development. | |
第三,我們將持續(xù)深化改革,充分激發(fā)市場活力。中國改革開放40多年的實踐表明,改革是解放和發(fā)展社會生產力的關鍵。隨著中國進入新發(fā)展階段,改革也面臨新任務,我們將拿出更大勇氣、更多舉措破除深層次體制機制障礙,推進國家治理體系和治理能力現(xiàn)代化。我們將不斷提高貫徹創(chuàng)新、協(xié)調、綠色、開放、共享新發(fā)展理念的能力和水平,轉變發(fā)展方式,推動質量變革、效率變革、動力變革,加快現(xiàn)代化經濟體系建設,加強產權和知識產權保護,建設高標準市場體系,完善公平競爭制度,讓各類市場主體活力充分涌流。 | Third, we will continue to deepen reform and energize the market. What we have achieved during the past 40-plus years of China's reform and opening-up shows one thing: Reform is crucial for unleashing and boosting productivity. China has entered a new stage of development and faces new tasks of reform. We will take more steps and remove with greater resolve deep-seated systemic and institutional barriers to modernize China's governance system and capacity. We will enhance our ability to better apply the new development philosophy, namely, one of pursuing innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We will transform the growth model, upgrade quality and performance, and make growth drivers more robust. We will accelerate the building of a modernized economy, strengthen protection of property and intellectual property rights, set up a high-standard market system and improve mechanisms for fair competition. All this will fully motivate all types of market entities. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
開放是國家進步的前提,封閉必然導致落后。當今世界,經濟全球化潮流不可逆轉,任何國家都無法關起門來搞建設,中國也早已同世界經濟和國際體系深度融合。我們絕不會走歷史回頭路,不會謀求“脫鉤”或是搞封閉排他的“小圈子”。我們構建新發(fā)展格局,絕不是封閉的國內單循環(huán),而是開放的、相互促進的國內國際雙循環(huán)。 | Openness enables a country to move forward, while seclusion holds it back. In today's world where economic globalization has become an irreversible trend, no country can develop itself by keeping its doors closed. China is already deeply integrated into the global economy and the international system. We will not reverse course or run against historical trend by "decoupling" or forming a small circle to keep others out. By fostering a new development paradigm, we are not pursuing a closed-door circulation, but open and mutually reinforcing domestic and international circulations. | |
——在新發(fā)展格局下,中國市場潛力將充分激發(fā),為世界各國創(chuàng)造更多需求。中國人均國內生產總值已經突破1萬美元,有超過4億中等收入人口,許多國際機構預計今年中國商品零售市場規(guī)模將達到6萬億美元。中國經濟的不斷發(fā)展,中國人民對美好生活的追求,將對來自世界各地更加多樣化高品質的產品、技術、服務產生更多需求。盡管受到疫情沖擊,中國貨物貿易進口規(guī)模已基本恢復到去年同期水平。今年9月,在北京舉辦中國國際服務貿易交易會,吸引了148個國家和地區(qū)的2.2萬家企業(yè)和機構線上線下參展參會。不久前,第三屆中國國際進口博覽會在上海成功舉行,來自124個國家和地區(qū)的企業(yè)參展,展覽面積進一步擴大,成交額進一步提升,達到726.2億美元。我們將進一步降低關稅和制度性成本,培育一批進口貿易促進創(chuàng)新示范區(qū),擴大對各國高質量產品和服務進口。相信隨著中國市場潛力不斷激發(fā),將為各國提供更廣闊的市場機會,為世界經濟穩(wěn)定發(fā)展提供更強勁動力。 | — The new development paradigm will enable China to fully unlock its market potential and create greater demand for other countries. China's per capita GDP has topped US$10,000, and its middle-income population has exceeded 400 million. It is projected by many international institutions that China's retail market will reach six trillion dollars in size this year. As China's economy grows, our people naturally want to lead an even better life. This will create more demand for a greater variety of quality products, technologies and services from across the world. Despite the damage inflicted by COVID-19, China's import of goods has basically recovered to the level of last year. The China International Fair for Trade in Services held in Beijing this September brought together 22,000 companies from 148 countries and regions to its online and off line events. Not long ago, the third China International Import Expo was successfully held in Shanghai. It was participated by companies from 124 countries and regions. The exhibition area was further expanded. More deals were sealed, reaching US$72.62 billion in value. China will further cut tariffs and government instituted transaction costs, and open a number of demonstration zones for creative promotion of import trade to increase import of quality goods and services. I am confident that the steady unleashing of the China market potential will create vast business possibilities for other countries, and this will create stronger impetus for maintaining stable growth of the global economy. | |
——在新發(fā)展格局下,中國開放的大門將進一步敞開,同世界各國共享發(fā)展機遇。對外開放是中國的基本國策,任何時候都不會動搖。今年以來,面對世界經濟不穩(wěn)定性不確定性明顯增強,單邊主義、保護主義蔓延,中國對外開放非但沒有止步,而且推出了一系列擴大開放的政策措施,包括全面實施外商投資法及其實施條例、進一步縮減外商投資準入負面清單、穩(wěn)步推動金融市場準入、出臺海南自由貿易港建設總體方案、強化深圳和浦東的改革開放舉措、深化服務貿易創(chuàng)新發(fā)展試點等。我愿重申,中國對外開放的決心堅定不移,對外開放的大門會越開越大。我們將繼續(xù)推動貿易和投資自由化便利化,同更多國家商簽高標準自由貿易協(xié)定,積極參與多雙邊區(qū)域投資貿易合作機制,打造更高水平的開放型經濟。完善外商投資準入前國民待遇加負面清單管理制度,依法保護外資企業(yè)合法權益,有序擴大服務業(yè)對外開放,持續(xù)打造市場化、法治化、國際化營商環(huán)境。賦予自由貿易試驗區(qū)更大改革自主權,建設對外開放新高地。與此同時,我們將繼續(xù)堅定支持多邊貿易體制,更加積極地參與全球經濟治理體系改革,推動建立更加公平合理的國際經濟治理體系。 | — The new development paradigm will enable China to open up wider and share more opportunities for common development with other countries. China is committed to opening-up, which is its fundamental policy, a policy that will not change at any time. The world economy has faced more instability and uncertainty this year. Protectionism and unilateralism are mounting. Yet China has not stalled in its pursuit of opening-up. As a matter of fact, we have taken many policy steps to open the country still wider. It includes the following: The Foreign Investment Law and its supporting rules and regulations have been fully implemented. The negative list for foreign investment has been further cut. Access to the financial market has been steadily eased. A master plan has been drawn up for the development of the Hainan Free Trade Port. Reform and opening-up in Shenzhen and Pudong have been further advanced. And more pilot programs have been conducted for creative promotion of trade in services. I wish to reiterate that China's commitment to opening-up is strong, and that China will open its door still wider to the world. China will continue to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, to conclude, through negotiation, high-standard free trade agreements with more countries, and to actively engage in bilateral, multilateral and regional mechanisms for trade and investment cooperation. The purpose is to build a higher-standard open economy in China. China will improve its system for foreign investment management based on pre-establishment national treatment and negative list. The lawful rights and interests of foreign investors will be protected. China will open up the service sector in a well-planned way, and foster a market-oriented, world-class business environment underpinned by a sound legal framework. China will give its pilot free trade zones greater power in carrying out reform, and turn them into new pacesetters of opening-up. At the same time, China will continue to firmly support the multilateral trading system, get more actively involved in reforming the system of global economic governance, and play its part to make this system fairer and more equitable. | |
——在新發(fā)展格局下,中國的對外合作將不斷深化,同世界各國實現(xiàn)互利共贏。我們將更加積極地參與國際分工,更加有效地融入全球產業(yè)鏈、供應鏈、價值鏈,更加主動地擴大對外交流合作。凡是愿同中國合作的國家、地區(qū)、企業(yè),我們都會積極開展合作。我們將繼續(xù)高舉開放合作大旗,堅持多邊主義和共商共建共享原則,推動高質量共建“一帶一路”,推進同各國、各地區(qū)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略和互聯(lián)互通規(guī)劃對接,加強政策、規(guī)則、標準融通,同各國不斷深化基礎設施建設、產業(yè)、經貿、科技創(chuàng)新、公共衛(wèi)生、人文等領域務實合作,把“一帶一路”打造成合作之路、健康之路、復蘇之路、增長之路,加強綠色發(fā)展合作,為推動世界共同發(fā)展、構建人類命運共同體貢獻力量。 | — The new development paradigm will enable China to continue to deepen international cooperation for shared benefits. China will take a more active part in the international division of labor, get more effectively integrated into global industrial, supply and value chains, and more enthusiastically expand exchanges and cooperation with other countries. We welcome cooperation with every other region, country, or company that wants to do so. China will remain committed to openness and cooperation, and adhere to multilateralism and the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. China will work to pursue high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with its partners, and seek greater complementarity between the development strategies and connectivity plans of regions and countries concerned. China will further harmonize policies, rules and standards with BRI partners, and deepen effective cooperation with them on infrastructure, industry, trade, scientific and technological innovation, public health and people-to-people exchange. Together, we will make the Belt and Road a model of cooperation, health, recovery and growth and deepen cooperation on green development. This will allow us to contribute to common development and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
亞太是我們的共同家園,維護亞太和平穩(wěn)定、促進發(fā)展繁榮符合我們的共同利益。亞太各國既有人員密切往來之利,也有跨洋相望的地利之便。我們順應市場規(guī)律,抓住經濟全球化、區(qū)域經濟一體化機遇,領風氣之先,走在了世界經濟增長的前列。亞太地區(qū)發(fā)展和區(qū)域經濟合作深化,有其深刻的歷史必然性,符合亞太各國人民愿望,也必將繼續(xù)展現(xiàn)出強大生命力。 | The Asia-Pacific is our shared home. To sustain peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region meets the interests of us all. As Asia-Pacific economies are connected by the same ocean, we benefit from close interactions between our peoples and geographic proximity. We should follow market trends, seize opportunities created by economic globalization and regional economic integration and become forerunners driving global growth. The development of the Asia-Pacific and greater economic cooperation in our region represent an underlying historical trend, and such development and cooperation will continue to be imbued with strong vitality, because they respond to the call of the people in our region. | |
去年,我提出構建開放包容、創(chuàng)新增長、互聯(lián)互通、合作共贏的亞太命運共同體。今年,在各方共同參與下,亞太經合組織制定出2020年后的宏偉愿景,為未來一個時期亞太經濟合作提供了重要指引。我們要深化命運共同體意識,持續(xù)推進區(qū)域經濟一體化,加快創(chuàng)新發(fā)展步伐,促進區(qū)域互聯(lián)互通,實現(xiàn)包容和可持續(xù)發(fā)展,把愿景一步步轉變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實,為亞太人民造福。 | Last year, I proposed building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future featuring openness, inclusiveness, innovation-driven growth, greater connectivity and mutually beneficial cooperation. This year, thanks to participation of all economies concerned, the APEC Post-2020 Vision has been formulated, which sets out ambitious goals and important guidelines for our future cooperation. Let us not forget that we are a community with a common stake, and let us move toward closer regional economic integration. We need to accelerate innovation-driven growth, enhance regional connectivity, and realize inclusive and sustainable development. Step by step, we can surely turn our vision into reality and deliver a better life for people in the region. | |
亞太工商界是引領和推動經濟增長的重要力量,你們是亞太發(fā)展和合作成就的貢獻者和見證者,也是亞太未來發(fā)展的建設者和受益者。當今世界面臨更為復雜多元的挑戰(zhàn),亞太合作也進入新的歷史階段。工商界需要更開闊的格局、更堅韌的企業(yè)家精神。相信這會給你們帶來更廣闊的發(fā)展空間。希望大家做開放發(fā)展的推動者,促進貿易和投資自由化便利化,維護亞太產業(yè)鏈、供應鏈安全穩(wěn)定,推動亞太經濟率先走向復蘇、走向繁榮。希望大家做創(chuàng)新增長的探索者,大膽推動組織創(chuàng)新、技術創(chuàng)新、市場創(chuàng)新,使亞太成為科技“沃土”、創(chuàng)新“高地”。希望大家做互利共贏的合作者,深挖合作潛力,做大合作蛋糕,造福各國人民。希望大家做社會責任的踐行者,積極參與國際抗疫合作,關注和幫扶弱勢群體,為全球發(fā)展注入更多正能量。 | The Asia-Pacific business community is an engine driving economic growth. You have witnessed development and cooperation in our region; and indeed, you have contributed to it every step on the way. You have an important role to play in shaping the future of our region, and there is no doubt you will benefit from its development. Asia-Pacific cooperation has entered a new historical stage at a time when the world is facing multiple challenges. The business community needs a broader vision, greater resilience and stronger entrepreneurship. With them, I am sure you will create greater prospects for business development. I hope you will contribute your share to promoting openness and development. You may work to advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and ensure the security and stability of industrial and supply chains of our region; and your work will enable the Asia-Pacific to take the lead in achieving economic recovery and prosperity. I hope you will explore innovation-driven growth. You may take bold steps to pursue organizational, technological and market innovations; that will make the Asia-Pacific a fertile ground for scientific breakthroughs and a pacesetter for innovation. I hope you will be partners for achieving win-win cooperation. You may tap fully into the potential for cooperation, and make the pie of cooperation even bigger for all our people to benefit from. I hope you will actively fulfill your social responsibilities. You may all play active parts in the international fight against COVID-19 and do more to help disadvantaged groups to add more momentum to global development. | |
女士們、先生們、朋友們! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, | |
疫情終將過去,勝利必將到來。讓我們攜起手來,風雨同舟、守望相助,堅持開放合作,暢通內外循環(huán),共創(chuàng)共享亞太和世界更加美好的未來! | The day will come when we finally beat COVID-19 and win victory in this fight. Let us work in solidarity and weather the storm together. Let us stay true to openness and cooperation and make development and circulations at home and overseas reinforce each other. Together, we can surely deliver a brighter future for all of us, both here in the Asia-Pacific and across the world! | |
(來源:新華網) | (Source: Xinhua) |