10月24日,小朋友們在第六屆世界聲博會上參觀體驗一款弈棋機器人。當(dāng)日,第六屆世界聲博會暨2023科大訊飛全球1024開發(fā)者節(jié)在安徽省合肥市開幕。本屆聲博會為期6天,現(xiàn)場設(shè)有科技館、工業(yè)館、行業(yè)館、教育館、生活館、生態(tài)館等多個主題展館,展出人工智能領(lǐng)域最新科技成果及應(yīng)用。[新華社記者 周牧 攝]
Children play chess with a robot during the 6th World Voice Expo in Hefei, east China's Anhui Province, Oct. 24, 2023. The 6th World Voice Expo and the iFlytek 1024 Global Developer Festival kicked off here on Tuesday. The latest achievements and application of AI technology will be on display at the 6-day event. (Xinhua/Zhou Mu)