In recent years China has focused its energy-saving and emission-cutting endeavors on the following 10 aspects:
1. Modifying the industrial structure. China has effectively checked the growth of industries of high energy consumption and emission through such methods as: raising the bar of energy conservation and environmental protection; adjusting tax rebate and tariff policies; and implementing discriminatory and punitive electricity prices and harsher punishment for regions and enterprises violating environmental protection regulations. In the first four years of the 11th Five-year Plan period China shut down 60.06 million kW of small coal-fired power generators, and closed factories using obsolete technologies and equipment whose aggregated production capacity adds up to 81.72 million tons for iron, 60.38 million tons for steel and 210 million tons for cement. Their closure saved 110 million tons of standard coal. By July 15, 2010, more technically outdated coal-fired power generation units with a combined capacity of 10.71 million kW were eliminated.
2. Commencing key projects. During the first four years of the 11th Five-year Plan period China allocated RMB 128.5 billion to finance 10 leading energy-saving projects, sewage treatment facilities and conduit networks in cities and towns, water pollution prevention and treatment facilities along major rivers, and capability building for energy conservation and environmental protection. These measures cut coal demand by around 260 million tons, and expanded daily sewage treatment capacity by 45.6 million tons. Furthermore, 461 million kW of desulphurized generating units have been put into operation in coal-fired power plants.
3. Accelerating research and development of energy-saving and emission-cutting technologies and promoting their application. China has published an outline on policies for energy-saving technologies and a catalogue of key energy-saving and emission-cutting technologies, organized special campaigns for relevant science and technology, and subsidized energy-efficient products such as high-efficiency air-conditioners and motors, energy-frugal and new-energy cars, and low-energy light bulbs. In three years 360 million compact fluorescent lamps have found their way into Chinese households. Meanwhile, the government has promulgated policies on promoting energy performance contracting (EPC) and accelerating the development of energy-saving service industries.
4.Pressing on in top energy-intensive areas. China has demanded 1,000 energy-heavy enterprises to start energy auditing, make energy-saving plans and keep records on their energy efficiency rates. As a result, these enterprises have saved 130 million tons of standard coal. The northern provinces have introduced heat metering in residential buildings of 100 million square meters, and have renovated them for better energy efficiency. Energy-use supervision trials have been carried out in government offices and large public buildings. A low-carbon transport trial project involving 1,000 land and water transport companies was launched. And departments and organs of the central government took the lead in reviewing and improving the energy efficiency of their office buildings.
5.Driving circular economy. Pilot projects have been launched on circular economy, together with a system of evaluation indicators. Measures have been taken to make better use of mineral gangue, solid industrial waste such as desulfurized gypsum, coal ash and coal gangue, as well as crop stalks. China is also working to encourage automotive parts remanufacturing, the retrieval of mineral resources from urban junk and exploiting kitchen waste as a new resource of energy. A cash-for-clunker program has been introduced in some cities, giving subsidies on new energy-efficient cars and electric home appliances to purchasers who bring in their old ones.