A poor, old man surnamed Zhu of Beipei, Chongqing municipality, died of rapture after he was told part of his medical fees would be reimbursed by the local community. This sad story reveals that many poor people have waited for too long to get medical assistance, says an article on Chongqing Evening News. Excerpts:
The new medical reform plan has just shed its veil to show that everybody is entitled to and can afford medical services. However, implementation of the plan is still facing major difficulties. It is especially a tough task to guarantee the medical insurance of the underprivileged urban residents and the impoverished rural people. The death of Zhu just points to the unfair element in our medical system.
This is the tragedy of our society. Zhu would by no means have been so excited as to die from high blood pressure if he had covered by an impartial and sound social welfare system. Being stricken by serious diseases, people with subsistence allowance could depend on none other than the government. Zhu's tragedy reveals the problems created by exorbitant medical fee, which acts as a barrier against common people getting medical services. In spite of the advent of the new medical reform plan, the resolution of the above problem remains a long-term objective.
The health of citizens is closely linked to the prosperity of a nation. When the financial assistance demanded for medical services is still high, we should not shun the responsibility of helping the poor on the plea that there is simply not enough money. Instead, it's time to monitor and control the channels of public money and save the ailing poor from being driven to death by both the ailment and poverty.
(China Daily?May 7, 2009)