梅櫻海鮮香炒面 Fried Noodles with Seafood
三鮮焦炒面 Fried Noodles with Three Fresh Delicacies
什錦炒面 Fried Noodles with Meat and Vegetables
雞絲炒烏冬 Fried Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken
銀芽肉絲炒面 Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork and Bean Sprouts
醬雞腿拉面 Noodles with Braised Chicken Leg in Soy Sauce
拉面 Hand-Pulled Noodles
牛肉拉面 Hand-Pulled Noodles with Beef
排骨拉面 Hand-Pulled Noodles with Spare Ribs
雪菜肉松拉面 Hand-Pulled Noodles with Minced Pork and Potherb Mustard
鮑魚絲金菇燜伊面 Soft-Fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone
鮑汁海鮮面 Seafood Noodles in Abalone Sauce
北京炸醬面 Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style
菜肉餛飩面 Pork and Vegetable Wonton with Noodles
蔥油拌面 Noodles Mixed with Scallion, Oil and Soy Sauce
擔(dān)擔(dān)面 Noodles, Sichuan Style
擔(dān)仔面 Hanker’s Noodle Soup, Taiwan Style
高湯雞絲面 Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup
高湯榨菜肉絲面 Noodles in Broth with Shredded Pork and Vegetable
各式兩面黃 Pan-Fried Noodles (with Vegetable /Pork /Beef /Shrimp / Chicken)
海蝦云吞面 Noodles with Fresh Shrimp Wonton
海鮮嚕面 Seafood Noodle Soup
蚵仔大腸面線 Fried Rice Noodles with Pork Intestine and Oyster
紅燒牛腩面 Braised Beef Brisket Noodles
黃金大排面 Noodles with Fried Spare Ribs
火腿雞絲烏冬面 Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken and Ham
臘肉西芹鹵汁面 Noodles with Preserved Pork and Celery
涼面 Cold Noodles with Sesame Sauce
蘑菇面 Noodles with Mushroom Noodles
牛腩面 Soup Noodles with Sirloin
排骨面 Soup Noodles with Spare Ribs
茄丁肉醬手搟面 Handmade Noodles with Minced Pork and Diced Eggplant
茄子肉丁打鹵面 Eggplant Noodles with Diced Pork
肉絲烏冬面 Japanese Noodles with Shredded Pork
上海菜煨面 Noodles with Vegetables, Shanghai Style
上海辣醬面 Noodles with Chili Soy Bean Paste, Shanghai Style
上湯烏冬面 Japanese Noodle Soup
獅子頭面 Noodles with Meatball Noodles
蔬菜面 Noodles with Vegetables
四川涼面 Cold Noodles, Sichuan Style