喜歡 xǐ huān: like? 花 huā: flower? 買 mǎi: buy? 賣 mài: sell? 一束 yī shù: a bouquet? 女朋友 nǚ péng yǒu: girlfriend? 男朋友 nán péng yǒu: boyfriend? 玫瑰 méi guì: rose? 百合 bǎi hé: lily? 茉莉 mò lì: jasmine? 盆景 pén jǐng: bonsai? 蘆薈 lú huì: aloe? 各種各樣 gè zhǒng gè yàng: various kinds of; a variety of? 包裝 bāo zhuāng: wrap, pack? 包裝紙 bāo zhuāng zhǐ: wrapping paper; packing paper? 淺色 qiǎn sè: light (color)? 深色 shēn sè: dark (color)? 能 néng: supposed to? 凈化空氣 jìng huà kōng qì: freshen the air? 美容 měi róng: facial care? View all the lessons >>