?????? 最近,隨著芒果臺的《宮》熱播,“穿越”這個詞兒可謂身價倍漲,一時間成為很多年輕人感興趣的話題。
?????? 所謂穿越,是穿越時間和空間的簡稱,通俗講是指某人物因為某原因,經(jīng)過某過程,從所在時空(A時空)穿越到另一時空(B時空)的事件,它不僅僅是指現(xiàn)代人穿越到歷史中,還包括古人穿越到今天,今人穿越到未來。嚴(yán)格來說,這一題材并不很新穎,國外有不少膾炙人口的影視作品即是建基于“穿越”,比如《時間旅行者的妻子》(The Time Traveler's Wife)、《時光倒流七十年》(Somewhere in Time)、《觸不到的戀人》(The Lake House)、《回到未來》(Back To The Future)、《蝴蝶效應(yīng)》(The Butterfly Effect)等,都曾影響無數(shù)觀眾,使人們因此更加珍惜生命、珍惜愛人、珍惜眼前時光。
?????? 這里我們說的“穿越”用英文表達(dá)就是time travel,那么現(xiàn)在時興的“穿越小說”、“穿越電影”和“穿越劇”就可以分別說成:time-travel novel, time-travel movie, time-travel TV play。請看Wikipedia的英文解釋:
Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, either sending objects (or in some cases just information) backwards in time to some moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present to the future without the need to experience the intervening period (at least not at the normal rate).