The number of microblogging sites in mainland China has surged from 17 in January of last year to 88 by the year's end, a new study says, the Beijing News reported. |
《新京報》消息,最新發(fā)布的一份報告顯示,中國大陸微博網站的數(shù)量已從去年1月的17家增長到去年12月的88家。 |
The number of microbloggers in China has also boomed, the survey said, surpassing 60 million people. |
微博用戶也快速增長,已超6000萬人。 |
Conducted by the Institute of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese Academy of Social Science and the Social Science Documentation Publishing House, the research said microblogging - once a platform to express personal feelings - are now being used to disclose social events. |
該報告由社科院新聞與傳播研究所、社科文獻出版社聯(lián)合發(fā)布。報告稱,微薄最初只是用戶曬心情的一個平臺,如今已廣泛用于披露社會事件。 |
The posts are drawing attention from traditional media, which often verify information and conduct interviews on the reports. |
這也引發(fā)了傳統(tǒng)媒體的關注,它們往往介入進行采訪、核實。 |
When new developments emerge, microbloggers post updates, making the news event even bigger. |
如果事件有了新進展,就會有人更新微博、相繼轉發(fā),事件便又上升了一個高度。 |
Microblogging has become a major source of breaking news for the traditional media, revolutionizing mass communication and reporting.
( July 14, 2011) |
微博對新聞和輿論傳播產生革命性影響,目前已成為媒體跟蹤突發(fā)消息的重要來源之一。 |