"The actual source of money gifted... was never established", the report says, and "Saif Gaddafi's word alone was relied upon." |
調查報告還透露:“捐款的資金來源無法證實,學校僅獲得了賽義夫?卡扎菲的一面之辭?!?#160; |
Lord Woolf also concludes that the timing of the donation, six weeks after Saif Gaddafi was awarded a PhD, was "unfortunate", "risky", "indicative of naivety at the LSE" and gave the impression that Saif had "purchased his degree". |
沃爾夫還在報告中評論說,賽義夫?卡扎菲是在獲博士學位6個星期后向學校捐款的,這一行動涉嫌“花錢購買學位”。對倫敦政治經濟學院來說,這個時間很是“不巧”, 不僅帶來了一定的“風險”,而且足以顯示學院的“幼稚”。 |
Lord Woolf says academics and staff acted in, what they perceived to be the best interests of the School, but the donation would not have been accepted if its source had been properly checked. |
沃爾夫表示,學院教職人員的這些做法在他們看來符合學校的最大利益,但是殊不知,資金來源倘若得到恰當的核實,這筆捐款也就不會被接受。 |
He singles out Sir Howard Davies for criticism, concluding that "despite his great experience and ability, responsibility for what went wrong must rest with the [former] director." |
The report also says that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi "duped" his academic supervisors by receiving extensive outside help in preparing his PhD thesis. |
報告還顯示,賽義夫?伊斯蘭?卡扎菲“騙過”他的學術導師,在準備博士論文期間獲得了外界的廣泛幫助。 |
It says he was admitted to study at the LSE's philosophy department in 2003 because of an "idealism factor" that he might improve Libya - even though he had already been rejected by other LSE departments on the basis that his academic standards were not sufficiently high. |
2003年,賽義夫進入倫敦政治經濟學院哲學系學習。因為學術水平不夠高,學院的其他院系都拒絕錄用他,但是,考慮到他或許可以改善利比亞現狀這個“理想化”因素,哲學系向他敞開了大門。 |
A separate University of London panel has been investigating allegations that Saif Gaddafi's PhD thesis might contain plagiarism or have been ghostwritten.
(Excerpts from BBC, Deceber 2, 2011)
(China.org.cn Wendy 譯)