A netizen named "Rosa rubus in the moonlight" believes that Huang's behavior and mentality are not natural for a boy of his age.
"It's sad that the boy has lost the innocence that is consistent with his age. It is unnatural and harmful to the development of the boy's personality. Either his parents or society should take the blame for this." the netizen wrote.
Hu Yinbin, another netizen, says that Huang is a lonely and misunderstood genius, and that people should not judge him with their own understanding of what an ordinary 13-year-old child should be like.
Just an ordinary child
Class is over, and Huang is walking out of the classroom, talking and laughing with his friends.
Huang says that he feels upset about the online criticism. "Those people who dislike me actually don't know much about me. I believe that if they knew me in person, they would change their minds."
In the eyes of school headmaster Huang Hengzhong, Huang is no difference from other children in the school. Huang Hengzhong says that while the child is not necessarily outstanding in his academic performance, he has a great personality and outstanding leadership skills.
However, what impresses the headmaster most is the student's title of "Charitable Person of Wuhan", which he received by sending money earned from his articles to poor elderly people.
Huang's parents say that they are also disturbed by the boy's overnight popularity and that they feel hurt by online criticism of their child-rearing methods.