In "The Pirates! Band of Misfits," Hugh Grant stars in his first animated role as the luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain -- a boundlessly enthusiastic, if somewhat less-than-successful, terror of the High Seas. The Pirate Captain is after the one treasure that continues to elude him year after year: the coveted Pirate Of The Year Award. When he and his hapless crew (Martin Freeman, Brendan Gleeson and Ashley Jensen) arrive on Blood Island to sign up for the competition, he vows that this year he will reign over his bitter rivals Black Bellamy (Jeremy Piven) and Cutlass Liz (Salma Hayek) by bringing in the most booty.
After several misadventures on the high seas, the Pirate Captain and his crew are beginning to feel a little hopeless and depressed. But then, they happen across the vessel of the famous Charles Darwin (David Tennant), who discovers that The Pirate Captain's own bird, Polly, is actually a dodo bird (thought to be extinct).
Upon learning that the discovery of a dodo could lead to a lot of loot, the Pirate Captain and his crew set sail for London, where they hope that science will lead them to a bountiful booty. Unfortunately, London is under the rule of the pirate-despising Queen Victoria (Imelda Staunton). In order to obtain his prize, The Pirate Captain will have to deal with the Queen and face some tough choices that will put his pirate integrity to the test.
在影片《神奇海盜團》中,休?格蘭特平生第一次“獻聲”動畫角色。他配音的海盜船長擁有茂盛的胡須和無窮的熱情,是公海上的恐怖人物之一,卻混得不太如意。海盜船長年復一年地參與“年度最佳海盜”的競爭,這個大獎是他夢寐以求的寶物,只可惜他屢戰(zhàn)屢敗。海盜船長和他手下的倒霉鬼船員們(馬丁?弗瑞曼、布萊丹?格里森、阿什麗?詹森 配音)抵達血腥島報名參加又一屆的“最佳海盜”競賽,他發(fā)誓這一年一定要搜刮到更多的戰(zhàn)利品,徹底壓過他的死對頭布萊克?貝拉米(杰里米?皮文 配音)和彎刀莉斯(薩爾瑪?海耶克 配音)。
海盜船長和船員們意識到,渡渡鳥的發(fā)現(xiàn)意味著大量的戰(zhàn)利品;他們立刻起程航向倫敦,希望能夠在那里利用科學大賺一筆。然而不幸的是,倫敦的統(tǒng)治者維多利亞女皇(伊梅爾達?斯湯頓 配音)完全不把海盜們看在眼里。為了戰(zhàn)利品,海盜船長不得不想方設法與女皇周旋。面對選擇,他左右為難;每一步都可能導致他的海盜團分崩離析。
( Rebecca 譯)