Normally, a school will outline a position and the conditions of
employment. That outline includes name and location of the school,
minimum qualification for the teacher (BA, MA), subjects to be
taught, numbers of classroom contact hours, monthly salary, any
additional benefits, accommodation, medical care particulars,
allowable holidays, and other information pertinent to the specific
Number of contact hours varies with 16- 20 being the norm. Some
institutions require more and salary is normally adjusted to
accommodate the extra teaching hours. If asked to teach beyond the
contracted number of hours, the teacher is paid at a stated rate
per hour, as stipulated by the institution. Numbers of teaching
hours are stated in the contract.
Regulations state that foreign teachers can reside in China for
only 5 years on teaching contracts before needing to leave China
for at least 2 years before returning to teach.
(State Administration of Foreign Experts Affair October 18,