President Xi Jinping presented the keynote address this past week at the BFA. In his speech, Xi outlined further details about his vision for the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. While addressing attendees at the opening ceremony of the 2015 BFA annual conference, Xi called on the international community to build a "community of common destiny" and welcomed global participation in the China-proposed "Belt and Road" initiatives. Xi indicated that projected annual trade along the Belt and Road would exceed US$2.5 trillion within a decade.
Xi also discussed the role and importance of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the encouraging sign that so many countries have opted in as founding members. Hopefully the U.S. will soon change its position and opt to join and actively participate in ensuring the AIIB and the Asian region's success.
China is a world leader in infrastructure development, including the construction of transportation infrastructure such as light railways, highways, tunnels, bridges, ports, energy infrastructure, environmental projects and more. However, as indicated in Xi's speech, infrastructure also includes capital and finance and many other components. For example, the construction of policy, communication, education and legal infrastructure is equally important to promoting trade, advancing harmonization, and leading peaceful development with enhanced security and win-win outcomes for all countries involved.
Xi and other leaders at the BFA are correct to emphasize the importance of regional cooperation, the creation of a unifying vision and working hard to promote a common destiny. This cooperation is one that focuses on mutual economic development and does not represent an attempt to impose a common culture or political ideology on others.
The stark contrast between President Xi's vision for the Asian region and the chaos and lack of vision in the Middle East - where ideological conflicts dominated the Arab League Summit held in Egypt on the same weekend as the BFA - serves as an important reminder not to take for granted the work and effort required to promote trade and harmonization. Having to deal with war and incidents of violent conflict is the result of the absence of such vision and effort.
Eugene Clark is a columnist with For more information please visit:
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