Cape Town - A spokesperson? for the city of Cape Town, Kylie Hatton, has urged the Cape Town public to stay away from the FIFA Fan Fest area because it is full to capacity.
Hatton confirmed an earlier report that one person had been injured while eager soccer supporters tried to gain entrance to the Grand Parade. The Fan Fest can accommodate 17 000 people.
The reported injuries were apparently all minor.
Another report said that people at the Darling Street entrance were pushing, all trying to gain entrance at the same time, but it became unruly when they broke down barriers.
Additional law enforcement officers had been summoned to the area in front of the historic Town Hall.
Hatton said the situation had returned to normal.
Motorists on the M3 were earlier informed of the traffic congestion in the city centre.
The new electronic boards on the highways are keeping Capetonians updated about traffic in the CBD.
A message has also appeared on the board, informing motorists that the Fan Fest at the Grand Parade was full and that motorists should stay clear.
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