Nicole Scherzinger
If you search Nicole Scherzinger's name in Google, the search engine suggests "nationality." That's because Scherzinger's ethnic beauty isn't easy to place, making her all the more intriguing. The former lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls is a gorgeous mix of Filipino, Hawaiian and Russian descent and looks amazing in a bikini on the beach -- and on the dance floor. Scherzinger's moves are so intoxicating that she had no problem cleaning up on Dancing With The Stars Season 10. We bet she does a mean hula.
Stacy Keibler
To date, no woman's been able to pin down career bachelor George Clooney for long, but if anyone has a good shot at it, it's his latest girlfriend, Stacy Keibler, and her signature leg locks. The former WWE Diva and Dancing with the Stars contestant is a leg man's dream girl, and is more than deserving of her nickname, "The Weapon of Mass Seduction." She's also a serious football fan (she used to be a Baltimore Ravens cheerleader), so it's no wonder that it wasn't long before Keibler went from dancing with the stars to sleeping with them.