F4, also known as JVKV, is a Taiwan boy band founded in 2001 when their TV drama "Meteor Garden," an adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series "Hana Yori Dango," gained extreme success in Asia. The group, which consists of Jerry Yan, Vanness Wu, Ken Chu and Vic Chou, has starred in a series of equally successful TV dramas and released three albums entitled "Meteor Rain (2001)," "Fantasy 4ever (2002)" and "Waiting for You (2007)". In 2006, F4 became the first Asian band to receive an exclusive interview from CNN. In 2007, the group changed its name to JVKV, which used the initials of its members' first names to avoid copyright issues. The group has never been formally dissolved, and its members appear together on the stage from time to time. The group represents an era in the eyes of its massive diehard fans across the world.