"An Autumn's Tale" (1987)
Directed by Mabel Cheung and written by her partner Alex Law, the film tells a story about a naive young woman from Hong Kong who goes to New York to study and reunite with her boyfriend, with her street-wise distant cousin taking care of her in the big city.
When the woman discovers that her boyfriend is unfaithful, she nearly stops all her plans. But her distant cousin talks sense into her and helps her adjust to her new life in the Big Apple, resulting in an unlikely relationship. They grow intimate, part ways, but eventually, meet again. "An Autumn's Tale" is a romantic urban legend about a stranger in a foreign land, giving a glimpse of the lives of overseas Chinese.
It features marvelous performances from the two leading actors, Chow Yun-Fat and Cherie Chung, who were also in their prime. It's fun, touching and sad, leaving lingering feelings to generations of audiences. Mabel Cheung, who just lost her partner and de facto husband Law in July this year, said "An Autumn's Tale" is based on the treasured memory of when they both studied in New York. She still believes that, though several creators of the film, including Law, have passed away since its debut, they will live in "An Autumn's Tale" forever.