12 The Golden Mask Dynasty 金面王朝
Venue: OCT Theater in Beijing Happy Valley 歡樂谷
Show time: 19:30 daily (Suspended in winter)
Ticket: RMB200, 260, 320, 380, 680
Tel: 86-10-67383333-8825 67201818
This theater was specially designed for the large-scale show. Set in the Golden Mask Dynasty, a legendary age in China, the story tells how a queen who wears a golden mask creates a splendid dynasty through wisdom, tolerance, trust and boundless love. In eight acts it tells stories of war, bountiful pastures, the forging of metal, ceremonies, the moon, floods, fetes and illusions. They even produce an amazing real flood on the stage!
Ad Link: Beijing tours offered by www.tourochina.com