According to a report by Fox News,?ten signs a body is dehydrated include: 1. Dry mouth and swollen tongue. 2. Dark yellow urine. 3. Constipation. 4. Skin becomes less elastic. 5. Palpitation. 6. Muscle cramps or spasms. 7. Dizziness. 8. Tiredness. 9. Dry Tears. 10. Body always feels hot. |
美國??怂剐侣劸W近日公布了身體缺水的十大信號:口腔干燥舌頭腫脹、小便深黃、便秘、皮膚缺乏彈性、心悸、肌肉痙攣、頭暈、疲憊、沒有眼淚、感覺過熱等。 |
Health experts suggest five numbers to remember and to drink enough water each day. |
專家建議牢記五個數字,讓身體喝足水。 |
First, an adult needs at least 1,200 milliliters of water every day, which is two bottles of mineral water. |
首先,成年人每日需飲水至少1200毫升,也就是兩瓶礦泉水。 |
Second, it takes 21 minutes for water to enter the cells of the body, therefore, drinking water a half an hour before a meal aids digestion. |
其次,水進入全身細胞需要21分鐘,所以飯前半小時喝水,有助于消化。 |
Third, water at 25-37℃ is best for your health. |
再次,25-37℃的水對人體健康最有利。 |
Fourth, going to the bathroom five to seven times indicates that you are drinking a sufficient amount of water for your body. |
第四,每天去5-7次洗手間,才表示喝夠了身體所需的水分。 |
Fifth, four kinds of people need to pay attention to how much water they drink. Diabetics and patients with heart disease, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease cannot have too much water or drink too quickly, since over-drinking can put too much stress on the heart and kidneys.
( May 11, 2011) |
最后,4種人要特別注意喝水方法。糖尿病、心腦血管疾病、腎病患者,都不能喝太多的水,更不能猛喝,以免加重心臟和腎臟的負擔。 |