The Arab Mesiria tribe in the north-south disputed oil-rich area of Abyei Saturday said around 25 persons were killed in armed clashes between the tribe and fighters from the Dinka Ngok tribe backed by the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA).
Five from the Mesiria tribe and 20 from the Dinka Ngok were killed, Mohamed Omer al-Ansary, Chairman of the Abyei Development Front and a leading member of the Mesiria tribe, told Xinhua.
"This is a primary count for the victims in the clashes which took place today at Um Balayel area, some 25 km north-west of Abyei and al-Jangai area, some 27 km north of Abyei," he said.
Al-Ansary earlier told Xinhua that there were two confrontations on Saturday, the first between Mesiria herdsmen and a battalion of Dinka Ngok affiliating to the SPLA at al-Jangai area, and the other attack was launched by elements from Dinka Ngok against the village of Um Balayel.
The Arab Mesiria and the African Dinka Ngok tribes are disputing over ownership of Abyei where a referendum was supposed to be conducted coincident with south Sudan referendum on Sunday.
The Abyei referendum was delayed due to the difference between north and south Sudan over who has the right to vote in the referendum, where the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) insists that the Mesiria should be allowed to vote, while the SPLA says that only Dinka Ngok has that right.