The Japan Coast Guard on Saturday released two Chinese captains seized for alleged illegal fishing in the Sea of Japan the previous day, a Chinese consulate official in Niigata of Japan said.
The two captains were sent back to their trawlers by Japan Coast Guard at around 4:30 p.m. local time, after negotiations between the consulate and the Japanese side, the official, who declined to be named, told Xinhua.
Wang Fugui, 26, captain of the Lurongyu 1735 and Zheng Wenwu, 35, skipper of the Lurongyu 1736 are suspected of fishing without permission in waters off Ishikawa Prefecture within Japan's exclusive economic zone, the 9th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in Niigata said.
Each of the trawlers had 17 Chinese nationals aboard, including the captains.
During the time of investigation and negotiation, the trawlers have not been taken to Japanese ports and their captains have not entered Japanese land territories, the official said.