India Wednesday condoled the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hailing the former military commando's "personal efforts" in strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries.
"I am deeply saddened to learn of the untimely demise of His Excellency President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias. The people of India join me in conveying our heartfelt condolence to his family and to the government and people of Venezuela," the Prime Minister said.
He added: "Venezuela has lost a charismatic and immensely popular leader who leaves a legacy of striving for social justice. "
In his message, Singh also expressed his gratitude for Chavez's "personal efforts" in strengthening relations between India and Venezuela. "We will continue to work towards even closer relations with the friendly people of Venezuela," he added.
Chavez, who has ruled Venezuela for over 14 years and led a left-wing revival across South America, died at a hospital in capital Caracas Tuesday after a long battle with cancer, at the age of 58. Endi