Yan Zhenqing
Yan Zhenqing (709-784) was a celebrated calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), known for his exquisite calligraphy in both running and regular scripts. His running script is vigorous and powerful, while his regular script is dignified and grand. He created the Yan style of regular script, which exerted considerable influence on later generations. Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Xun (557—641), Liu Gongquan (778—865), and Zhao Mengfu (1254—1322), were collectively known as the Four Masters of Regular Script.
Yan's broad range of expressions, vigorous brush strokes, and grand style demonstrated his remarkable talent, exceptional spiritual depth, and diverse life experience. His most renowned works are in the form of stone inscriptions, with the Yan Family temple Stele being a notable example. Yan is known as the founder of the new Tang calligraphy style, and he played a crucial role in standardizing the art of Chinese calligraphy. He is highly revered by later generations of calligraphy practioners.
唐代著名書法家顏真卿(709—784),書法精妙,擅長行、楷。他的行書氣勢遒勁,正楷端莊雄偉,所創(chuàng)“顏體” 楷書,對后世影響很大。顏真卿與歐陽詢(557—641)、柳公權(778—865)、趙孟頫(1254—1322)并稱為“楷書四大家”。