Lately, the term "second-generation poor" has become a focus in media discussion. It came on the heels of the term "second-generation rich", which became popular around the time of the Hangzhou drunk-driving controversy. This term referred to the children of upstart millionaires and entrepreneurs. So, the term "second-generation poor" describes the children of poverty-stricken families. This is especially so when discussing the negative impact that the family's financial situation has on a future career.
—— Excerpt from Does a poor family background mean a bleak future??
The meme in the Chinese language is "the second-generation poor", or pin erdai. It is a new term coined to contrast "the second-generation rich" or fu erdai. Because wealthy families have more resources, their children get to enjoy the fruits of success and lay the foundation for their own future success.
That, in a sense, is to be expected. The hereditary nature of poverty, on the other hand, is shocking because education, especially that from a reputable school of higher learning, is supposed to level the playing field.
—— Excerpt from The dash for cash |